Kelahcim Kela

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since Aug 17, 2007
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Recent posts by Kelahcim Kela

Hello David,

I have a question regarding ant build scripts inside NetBeans.

we are using, in our project, external ant scripts for building everything from the scratch (together with moving required libraries to proper destinations). Then, war files are created. The issue is, that I am not able to add this build.xml file into NetBeans project and "execute" it.

Can you tell me whether it is possible to add custom build.xml file and then perform an action defined inside this file from the NetBeans evironment?

Thanks for the answer
I think, you should contact Sun people directly.

I had the same issue and as far as I understood Sun has something similar to DVD regions.

There are at least three of them: 1. USA, Canada 2. EU 3. Asia and Africa Economic Region

If you purchase voucher in particular region you can take an exam in any country that belongs to the same region.

But I think that best way to make it clear is to contact the local Sun's office.

Hope this helps

String space = " ";
String wordChars = "\\w+";
String equal = "=";
String quote = "\"";
String regExp = space + wordChars + equal + quote + wordChars + quote;

In my opinion this is slightly different situation. We are using regExp syntax here which is constant independently from the cultural context. Anybody using regExp must know the meaning of "space" and "equal" signs.

Originally posted by Robert Martin:

Perhaps a better example would be: int secs = mins / 60; Does that need to be int secs = min / SECS_PER_MIN;? I doubt it.

It depends what you want to express with the hard coded value. There are cultural differences between various countries and sometimes something obvious to one person may be a total mystery to somebody else (that's why IQ tests have to be adjusted).

Generally, philosophically speaking, you could use hard coding for constants referring to the items that are cultural universals
[ September 29, 2008: Message edited by: Kelahcim Kela ]

Originally posted by jan ter avest:
So I guess you're right. But I think what this question wanted to show you is that using the .class name in the <servlet-mapping><servlet-name> is generally speaking wrong

You are 100% right that there are some good practices and I agree with that.

On the other hand, I think that this kind of questions are not valid for the exam as they imply that this is illegal while in fact it is just not preferable.
Hello Robert,

as far as I can see your book is available through the Oreilly's Safari on-line catalog. Do you plan to publish it as a PDF as well?
It seems that question: com.enthuware.ets.scwcd.v5.2.382 has a small issue. According to the simulator answer

1. <servlet-mapping>

is correct, while

2. <servlet-mapping>
The value of <servlet-name> tag should be the servlet name defined earlier
in a <servlet> tag and not the servlet class name.

is incorrect - which is not exactly true.

It is possible to make such a mapping (2) valid:

Ilja, Jeff thanks for your answers.

Jeff, you are saying that we should:

"... find a way to spend at least a few hours *every week* looking at the new things"

and that's exactly what I am talking about. If I want to look at new things, I have to have few hours extra. If I look at the stuff that is not directly related to my work I have to do it at home - which implies additional time spent for work - but not paid. I know I can treat that as a some sort of investment, but still - these are over hours.

I have heard that Google has a policy that 20% of work time can be managed by the employee - they can do their own stuff as long as it is accepted by manager. Is that true? Does anyone have an experience with this kind of "free time at work"?

"The better things to be an expert at are solving problems (both people and technical) and at learning new things, as you suggest. "

That's a good point. Being able to sketch the problem quickly without explicitly describing the solution is an advantage.

Ilja, your suggestions regarding sport activities are a good point!
In fact there are few factors that, recently, make me feel bured-out:

1. constant need for acquiring the knowledge - I simply compare myself to old-school craftsmen and I find that within IT it is almost impossible to become an expert. It is said that one needs ~10 years of work with single activity to become an expert. What I can tell is, that we (IT guys) became an experts in a field of change, only (

2. you can't tell that there is ontological safety within IT. You can't feel safe, because the change is coming, it awaits just after the conner and it wants to get you. So, you have to be always prepared. There is no chance to say - "OK. I am done with this one, I can finally take it out of my mind."

3. "New stuff is, oh so cool" - which forces you to learn it (let's say a new IDE), while at the same time you start forgetting the previous stuff.

In my IT carer I have gone (among the others) through the following path: NetBeans -> eclipse -> JBuilder -> NetBeans (not counting other things in). This implies that I can't tell of myself as an expert of any of these - and I don't mention the upgrades here - does any of you guys have the same feeling?

In fact, the only application (editor) I can use with my eyes closed is "vi" - which doesn't change much over the time and can be found almost everywhere (in the "unix" world).

The question is. How do you guys deal with the change - the instant change? And how do you deal with the feeling that you always stay, at some way, "dumb"?
I am not sure if this is a good place to start this topic.

What do you do whe you feel that you are starting to burn-out. Is there any software development process that deals with that stuff? Is there any agile process that apart from all that cooperation, development, tools takes burning-out factor into the matter as well?

What are your concerns?
Hello Robert,

whenever I see the title regarding the code and it's quality I wander whether it is possible to define one universal way of writing code that will be accepted by all the programmers within the project. We are, usually, people who graduate from various schools, we have different "code taste" and different programming style (like in high school - there is no chance that everybody writes the same essay even thou everybody writes about the same thing).

Now, to the question.

Have you, during your carer as a consultant, managed to convince large group of people to adapt a new coding style? If you have managed to do so, how did you make the people to keep this style over the project in time?

Thanks for the answer
my fault!

I have read the question few times, I have written it into the post and I haven't noticed that there is "can not". My fault!

I think there is an issues within Enthuware SCWCD simulator:

question: com.enthuware.ets.scwcd.v5.2.311

Which of the following method cannot be overridden in a JSP page?

1. jspInit()
2. _jspService(...)
3. jspDestroy()
4. All of the these can be overridden.

The answer is (1), but Enthuware suggests option (2) as correct one - even thou it clearly states that: "This method is generated by the jsp engine. You cannot define this method in your jsp page."
As far as I recall, toString() method is called in that case. Thus you will get something similar to:

pageContext = org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl@5c7734
