This week's book giveaway is in the Programmer Certification forum.
We're giving away four copies of OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 21 Developer Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-830 and have Jeanne Boyarsky & Scott Selikoff on-line!
See this thread for details.

Jim Bethancourt

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since Aug 29, 2007
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15 years ago
Hi Dan,
I maintain a library of jBPM processes (about 30 or so at this point in time), and I'm having a a tough time finding a list of best practices to help reduce my maintenance overhead and improve the (unit) testability of my code and processes. Do you discuss anything along those lines in Chapter 15 of Seam In Action? Could you mention a few suggestions for jBPM best practices here?

Would you have any suggestions on how to inject Spring beans into jBPM Action Handlers and Decision Handlers? I was thinking I could use AOP and inject beans from a given XML file (e.g. beanconfig.xml) that sits next to each processdefinition.xml and would be picked up by the AOP before advice code, and the beans listed in the XML file could be configured via Spring Annotations to minimize the need for file reading from the database. This is a question I believe I'm seeing often enough in Google searches, and definitely welcome any suggestions you might have.

Thanks so much,
[ August 05, 2008: Message edited by: Jim Bethancourt ]
I just found out I passed too! I came back from a week-long vacation and almost missed the email!

Congrats to all who passed, and best of luck trying again to those who didn't quite make it. Be sure to email Evelyn if you passed part 1 -- you can start with part 2 instead of re-taking part 1. I had emailed her and asked if I would have to re-take part 1 if I didn't pass part 2/3 and she said I would not since I had already passed it. Don't give up!!

Hi all,
I fortunately received my confirmation email on Friday afternoon.

Best of luck to all on Part 3!

[ December 17, 2007: Message edited by: Jim Bethancourt ]
I suppose I can take comfort in the fact that my email didn't bounce. :-)

Hi Peter,
I'm not sure if such material can be shared just yet since the Beta is still going on. Be sure to ask again on December 27th, since the 26th is the last day of the beta. Under normal circumstances, I'd be more than happy to share everything I know with you, but it seems like there is a requirement for radio silence for the time being.

Hi all,
I didn't (and still haven't) received a submission confirmation email after submitting my Part II assignment.

Has anyone else not received a confirmation email?

NetBeans 6.0 was awful and slowed to a crawl once you got more than 10-15 classes on the screen at once for class diagram or component diagrams. I gave it plenty of memory and it still had terrible performance characteristics. I would definitely recommend against using Netbeans 6.0 for future. The round-trip engineering was great, though, and helped me think out the design between code and diagram, though some of their relationships didn't generate any methods like I had expected they would (like association relationships). The Java development was great, though, and was very helpful in pointing out what I was missing in my project. The only drawback there was that the Java EE 5 project was split into two modules and I had to copy my JSF backing beans into the EJB module in order to have all of my classes in the same UML model.
Sooooooooo glad I was able to get it all finished up in the nick of time. Sent it at 11:26 CST. Felt like being in college all over again -- up all hours of the night trying to make progress. Best of luck to everyone!!!

I'm trying with NetBeans 6.0 -- I didn't know about the font issues, but things seem to be going OK so far. The round trip engineering is helpful to make sure I don't forget anything and helps me get things jump-started as well. I haven't used it much, but it's similar enough to IntelliJ, so it's pretty easy to figure out.

I did notice that the association relationships aren't forward-engineered correctly, but that can be coped with. :-)

I'm just glad Enterprise Java isn't as complicated as it used to be!

Hey Thomas -- that makes two of us. I passed with a 59% too!

Hi Theodore,
My apologies -- I'm new on the forum and didn't know your role.

Thanks so much,
Ah!!! A big thanks to everyone for the clarification. I misread and only thought that the test started on September 20th.

Hi Evelyn and Theodore,
I can't seem to find the SCEA 5 Beta test listed on the 2test website in Sun's list of tests. What is the test number we should look for?

Hi Evelyn,

Could you please elaborate on what you mean about "receiving your certification kit"? Will we get a free voucher to take the real test, or do we become SCEA 5 certified, or something else?

Candidates MUST pass all three (3) parts of the beta exam in order to receive your certification kit.


P.S. I have also passed along this announcement to my local JUG and will post it to Sun's JUG-Leaders list soon as well.