robert isidorson

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since Sep 03, 2007
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Recent posts by robert isidorson

Is there any way to format a number this way in js?:
25000 => 25 000, 5000 => 5 000, 125000 = 125 000
ie i want to group them in thousands.
When i verify a method in a mock i still have to care about catching the exception even though it's a mock!

try {
verify(session, times(5)).init();
} catch(IOException e) {

how can i avoid that?
13 years ago
Are there any good alternatives to out there?
16 years ago
I'm having problems with extracting zip archives that are sfx, self extracting archives, with Anyone knows this problem?
16 years ago
Thanks for the example. I want to modify the SOAPHeader on the server side, i have figured it out how to do this on client-side.
I'm using the apache axis2 api's.
16 years ago
I have built a webservice with axis2. It contains of one simple method.
Now I want to add SOAPHeader to the response back to the client. I can't find any examples doing this. In axis1.* this could be done by getting the MessageContext and modify the SOAPEnvelope, but how to do this in Axis2??
16 years ago
I have a component containing timer objects, that are date objects formatted to SelectItems.

<h:selectOneRadio value="#{timer.selectedTimer}" layout="pageDirection"
<f:selectItems value="#{timer.timers}" />

In backing bean:
public List<SelectItem> getTimers() {
DateFormat ft = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");

for(QueueTimer x : timers) {
itemList.add( new SelectItem( ft.format(x.getTimer()),
return itemList;

On the page i then have one input field and one commandbutton:
<h:inputText value="#{timer.newTime}" size="5"><f:convertDateTime pattern="HH:mm"/></h:inputText>
<h:commandButton action="#timer.delete"/>

The problem: when i clicking on delete i get a converter error:
Conversion Error setting value '11:26' for 'null Converter'

My guess is that this is related to that <h:selectRadio contains SelectItems and it tries to convert those to date objects? but i dont know, anyone?
16 years ago
I have a newbie question about remoting.
What do i need to do to enable remote call's to an EJB3 bean in jboss?
In terms of security, configuration etc.
Im using jboss4.2.2.
16 years ago
What is the easiest way to configure logging in axis2? Can log4j be configured if i just put in my aar archive? Or shuld i use a logging module in axis2?
16 years ago
Is there any functionality in JSF as the Struts logic tags?
I'm thinking of logic:equal etc.
What i try to do, is to open a JSF page in either 'edit' or 'create new' mode. When the id of the backing bean is set, i would like put 'Edit this object' in the title of page,when it's empty 'Create new object'.
Are there other ways to do this?
16 years ago
Im having a problem with commandlink with a richDatatable.
When i put the link inside the table it doesnt work and when i move the link just outside, it works!
Doesnt work:
<rich:dataTable value="#{provider.publications}" var="pub"rows="10"id="table2">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Id" />
<h:commandLink action="failure" value="#{}">
<h:outputText value="#{}" />

Does work:
<h:commandLink action="failure" value="#{}">
<h:outputText value="#{}" />
<rich:dataTable value="#{provider.publications}" var="pub"rows="10"id="table2">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Id" />
16 years ago
I tried that, but I loose that information when creating a new actionforward in myaction. If i could, i would like to modify the response headers before returning, but i cant do that with ActionForwards.
17 years ago
One way could be to use the DispatchAction class. Then you can call different methods in your action, the link or button then addresses "/" and "/ Then the different methods makes forward to different jsp pages.Remember to add parameter="method" to the action configuration.
17 years ago
I would like to add a file to an existing archive, but the result is that the archive only contains the latest file i added. How do i do this?
17 years ago
I try to do a redirect between actions, the application is behind an apache proxy ,that makes it a bit complicated. In myaction:
ActionForward forward= new ActionForward("/");
return forward;

The url that i use through proxy is https://machine:8443/myapp/
So when I make the redirect in my action, i would like to keep that url, but the url change to the application server url: http://appmachine:11704/myapp/myotheraction.

How can i fool struts to keep the proxy url? I don't wan't to do forward action.One solution is to use absolute url, but is there another way?
17 years ago