Ashish Yannam

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since Sep 05, 2007
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Recent posts by Ashish Yannam


I am using Tomcat5.0 on a Linux box.
The JNDI lookup is failing. The similar configurations are working on a windows box. I have verified my configuration settings in the server.xml.

Need some urgent help.
16 years ago
I am new to Jasper Reports and want to learn it as soon as possible. I am not able to find a good tutorial for the same. I am using eclipse ide. Following the eclipse help for Jasper Assistant I was able to create a sample report which fetches some data from the database, but it was not able to design the report properly. I have also downloaded some sample Jasper Report projects, but not able to understand how can I execute those.
I want to know more about how to use Jasper Reports effectively. How good is Jasper Reports to use with my web application.
Can any one help me please. If you have some good link to some tutorial or some good explanatory examples, please post it here as soon as possible.


Thank you so much for that information. This is a kind of book I am really looking at. This would really make understanding of Hibernate and its implementations very simple.

I hope, I have this book in my collection soon.
Thank you once again for the guidance.

How is this book different from other Hibernate books.
Does it provide sample tutorials which would be useful for the ones new to Hibernate.
Being new to Hibernate, I often find problems in finding good examples by which I can start up.

Can you please suggest me some book for Hibernate.

I want to know about the difference between the Hibernate3 and the Java Persistence API. Hibernate3 is said to be a part of JPA, can anyone please explain me on that,
It was an typing mistake there.
The name of the set is books, and am having getter and setter methods in the Customer class as
I am putting up the mapping files here for Customer and the Book
I want a one to many relationship between the Customer and Book.

I am building a standalone application using eclipse.

can you help me with that.

I am trying to map two tables having one-many relationship.

This is my mapping file for the "one side";

I am getting the following exception

can anyone please help

I have read the introductory chapter of Wicket in Action, and found it very interesting and useful. I was completely unaware of such kind of framework.
But now I am keen to learn all the other things Wicket provides.

"This Wicket is ideal for a long innings"
I am having entries for both the hbm.xml file in the hibernate.cfg.xml file.

here's the cfg.xml file

Its an auto generated file form eclipse.
The HibernateSessionFactory is also auto generated.


I am new to Hibernate and i am tying to build a sample Hibernate application using the one given at

I am using eclipse to build this project.

I am having to tables, viz. book and customer. I have written a test code to save each of these objects in the DB.

The entity mapping files are similar, as mentioned in the tutorial.

But when I try to save these objects using,
I am getting the following exception

Can please anyone guide me on this.