naveen putrevu

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since Sep 09, 2007
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Recent posts by naveen putrevu


I am already using an interceptor which extends "FilterDispatcher" by the way. The code goes something like this...

public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res,
FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {

super.doFilter(req, res, chain);


Here, how do I check whether the user session is available or not?
15 years ago

I am using struts2 for my webapp development. I am also using "" to process all incoming requests.

My requirement is: when a user doesn't access any part of the application for 2 mins; then redirect the user to login page. I've used <session-timeout>2</session-timeout> in web.xml. In addition to this, How do i redirect the user to login.jsp page now?

15 years ago

Thanks a lot people. Now I have the big question. I am based in Hyderabad, and I work for a software company developing applications using J2EE.

The question is: will this certification carry any weightage? To what extent any good employer value these kind of certifications? (especially in India)

15 years ago

I have cleared the SCJP 5 exam with 84%.

Many thanks to the forum for giving me valuable insights on various concepts. Not to mention the "SCJP5 book authored by Kathy Sierra". The book was of great help to me.

Thanks once again.

15 years ago

Consider my scenario:
In the JSP, I have a field named 'gender' with male, female as values. In the DB, I want to save it as 'M' or 'F' if the selected name is male or female respectively.

When I retrieve this value from DB, I want to check in my JSP; if the value is 'M', the select box in JSP should show the value as 'Male'. 'Female' otherwise. So, I have written the following if condition in JSP.

<s:if test="%{gender == 'Male'}">
<bsp:select name="gender" list="{'Male','Female'}" value="%{gender}" cssClass="formField"/>
<bsp:select name="gender" list="{'Male','Female'}" value="%{gender}" cssClass="formField"/>

I am unable retrieve it properly: meaning, the JSP always shows 'Male' even though the value in the DB is 'Female'. I would like to know what is the correct way to represent the IF condition.

[I am using Struts 2.1.6]
15 years ago

I want to user struts2's datetimepicker functionality in my jsp. But I am unable to do this. Please take a look at my code.

<%@ taglib prefix="tiles" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="bsp" uri="/struts-tags" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="d" uri="/struts-dojo-tags"%>

<d:head theme="ajax"/>
. . . .
<d:datetimepicker name="dateOfBirth" label="dob"/>

1. I have added in my file.
2. I have added struts2-dojo-plugin-2.1.6.jar in my classpath too

But, I am unable to get the correct jsp loaded with the datetimepicker. Can you help me where exactly is the problem?
15 years ago
Many Thanks! Mr. Jesper. :-)
When you say session.commit() -- if any CRUD operation performed on a row; then that particular transaction after the CRUD operation will be committed in the DB.
When you say session.close() -- the session will be closed instantly.

May be you might have accessed any relevant code pertaining to that session after saying session.close();
The order of events should be:

Create DB tables >> Write hbm files >> Write POJOs

You don't need any plugin as such. You need struts2-core.jar, struts2-tiles-plugin.jar, tiles-api.jar, tiles-core.jar, and tiles-jsp.jar. You can get these jar files from the Struts2 distribution. Copy these jar files and use them in your application.

For your information, Struts2 comes integrated with Ajax as well. So, no extra jar files are needed to get the Ajax functionality in your application.
Cool. Thanks Ankit.
Thanks Ankit. Are you damn sure? BTW, what's your score?

Can you give me last minute tips before sitting for the exam?

I need a small clarification as far as the SCJP 5 examination is concerned. I am about to take the exam in April 2009.

Through a word-of-mouth, a guy told me that BEFORE you start taking the real test, you are asked to rate yourself (on a scale of 5) on the topics covered in the exam. Based on your rating the number of questions / the complexity of the questions will be decided.

People, let me know how far is this true?

Many thanks!
Initially start using the javac & java commands to compile your programs.. once you understand these, start using an IDE, so that you can cruise through the concepts a little faster

What do you say people?
Thanks abhishek. I am planning to take SCJP 5.0.

So, the K&B book is well enough to face the exam.. right?