Riyadh Ishmail

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since Sep 19, 2007
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Im working on part 2 and must say the Domain model has left me very confused!!

I see an itinerary as having a maximum of 2 segments(Outward and inward). Each segment could possible have multiple legs, ie if the outward segment is London to NY then the legs(or hops depending on which terminogy you use) could be LONdon->Amsterdam, Amsterdam->Ny. Each of these legs would be associated with a single flight.

The questions that come to my mind are: why did SUN model the itinerary cardinality as 1:M when it should be 1..1,2?? Am I allowed to introduce this notion of a 'leg' that would exist between segment and flight?

Also I dont agree with the 1:1 bidirectional relationship between flight and segment as a single flight can exist on multiple segments. It could be be in the inward segment of one customer yet at the same time be on the outward segment of another customer. To what extend can we modify the relationships (cardinality and direction)?

Can I have some thoughts on this pls.
Hi all,

Ive been doing some research into how to get a servlet/jsp to communicate with a perl/cgi app. I dont want to rewrite the logic in the perl/cgi app but would like to send some http to it from my servlet and read the response - would that be possible? Ive been trying to find out but cant get much info.

Any help is much appreciated
