Krishna Madhava

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since Sep 21, 2007
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Recent posts by Krishna Madhava


please check your delete query.

the correct syntax is delete from table where fieldname='value';

once query is modified, hope it will delete the row from the Database

Hi All,
i am new to web applications, earlier i had worked on ejb and core java.
now i want to work on struts based web applications. please provide where can i get the necessary resources and mini project details to implement.

13 years ago
I Suggest you to try with struts-html tag libs in your JSP.

<%taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html" prefix ="html"%>

<html:form action=' ...'>

<html:text type=' ' value=' '/>

Note : Kindly keep your struts-html.tld file inside your WEB-INF directory of your application...

14 years ago

In your JSP, please replace the action name as / instead of upload.dav..

We can call struts actions by *.do not dav..

< body>
<form action="/"> // / instead of upload.dav
<input type="file" name="docName">
<input type="submit" value="Upload">

Hope it will resolve the issue...
14 years ago

I also having the same doubt,

So, incase if the user didnt pass the actionname for the '*" parameter in the URL then what will be passed to method={1}.

Ex: http://localhost:8080/context/

here which method will be called..

Thanks in advance
14 years ago

you can share the data between servlets and struts like below...

in servlets set the data::


in struts 2 action class get the data:::

using ActionContext

ActionContext actionContext = ActionContext.getContext();

I hope it should work..

Thank you

14 years ago

you can call the action class through the action attribute of the html form..
I think you can call from html anchor tag using the action attribute also
If you post your code means it will be easy to tell exactly..
14 years ago
Dear All,

I am learning struts 2, Please suggest me some good books to follow.

Thanks in Advance
14 years ago
thank you sir...

but can i know the syllabus for scjp 1.5...

as i am new to preparing for scjp.....please

thanks in advance
kindly give me the syllabus for SCJP 1.5..

i am new to java,so how to improve my skills in this language...

also tell me the scope for scjp 1.5...
will the certification give job???

kindly give me the information please...

thank you all
kindly give me the syllabus for SCJP 1.5..

i am new to java,so how to improve my skills in this language...

also tell me the scope for scjp 1.5...
will the certification give job???

kindly give me the information please...

thank you all
17 years ago