Dheeraj dubey

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since Sep 28, 2007
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In your GradeForm class

instate of


13 years ago
I am using struts2.0 and the application is deployed and tested over tomcat 6.0.

As per requirement, my application (myApplication) has to redirect from a PHP site with domain name http:// abc.com

When this PHP site redirects the request to my application it calls an action Action1 of my application, which further redirects to another action Action2. But while redirection it changes the domain name to Application's server IP (http://applicationServerIP:8080/myApplication/Action2 ). My expected result is ( http://abc.com/myApplication/Action2).

Action configuration in sturts.xml is:

Any Help to solve this issue will be appreciated.
13 years ago

Originally posted by amit punekar:
There is a configuration file named server.xml in "conf" directory.
Please check this file to change the default port number.

yaa i got port configuration in this file

<Connector port="8080" maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75" enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100" debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />

so if i change that mapping the port number will be changed???

[ October 02, 2007: Message edited by: Dheeraj dubey ]
17 years ago
what are new feature in Tomcat6 ??

Dheeraj Dubey
[ October 02, 2007: Message edited by: Dheeraj dubey ]
17 years ago
sorry i forgot to say THANKS IN ADVANCED.
17 years ago
sorry i frogot to say thnx in advanced.
well normally when i install oracle server before tomcat the tomcat refuse my request at 8080 port because oracle already use that 8080 port. or vice versa is that any method so that i can change the default port number of tomcat.
17 years ago
how can i configure my server in eclipse or in net beans so that there is no need to shut down my server again and again during testing or coding.