This week's book giveaway is in the Design and Architecture forum.
We're giving away four copies of Communication Patterns: A Guide for Developers and Architects and have Jacqui Read on-line!
See this thread for details.

Akhil Maharaj

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since Sep 29, 2007
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Recent posts by Akhil Maharaj

I just started learning Struts2 from book "Struts2InAction " . The source code given below , that is downloaded works fine in Tomcat6.0

If I change the name space from "/chapterTwo" to "/ChapterTwoFUN" , it is giving the error message
There is no Action mapped for namespace /chapterTwo and action name HelloWorld.

Please throw some light

15 years ago
All ,

Book is associated with Publisher by many-one asociation

I am attaching ,Book.hbm.xml , , Publisher.hbm.xml.

Everything works OK. When I want to delete couple of rows in PUBLISHER , I am getting exception as they are referred in BOOK table.

Can anybody share ideas if I want to delete all the BOOK objects when the associated PUBLISHER is deleted ? ( Some thing like cascade=delete).
it might be obvious for some of you....


********** ends here

********** Publisher.hbm.xml starts here

********** Publisher.hbm.xml ends here

************ starts here

************ ends here

************ Book.hbm.xml starts here

************ Book.hbm.xml ends here
All ,

Reference : EJB3.0 in action (Manning)

I am trying to understand the follwoing line

Annotations used with a setter method are ignored by the persistence provider for property-based access.

Any ideas ?

I under stand that the foolowing code also from the same book is Property based persistence

Thanks for providing the link for Specs. It looks like I have to start digging into specs.
Hi all,

Where do I get the document describing EJB3.0 sepc . All I get from sun is the document , which is nothing but API

I came across the following statement when I am going through Mastering EJB3.0 book .Can any body explain how we can configure JBoss to create the tables for each entity bean ?

you can configure JBoss to create the tables for each entity bean when the application server boots and deploys its EJBs.

Hi ,

I am relatively new to this . But I think I have spent more than 10 hours googling . My goal is to run my first EJB3.0 . I have taken the code from
Ch4 of Oriely Mastering EJB3.0 5th edition. I am using Ant and JBoss 4.2.2

First Thing is ant task compile is ok .
Even deploy task is also happening OK . I can see the titan.jar in the deploy direcotry . However , It is not listed in the jmx_console.

Second thing is after titan.jar is deployed to Jboss , I am running the client , Thats where I am getting this exception .

Here is the client code

Another thing that is puzzling me is what is the meaning of messages that I see ( the following) on the console ,

16 years ago
Thanks for finding the typos .It was my mistake .
I was going through Manning's SCWCDExam guide by Hanumanth Deshmukh . One of the topics about XML documents and request time attributes discussed this . I think when they say it is OK , it means it is syntactically correct and JSP will get translated to servelt code .

I am still trying to find the answer ...
Hi ,
Any ideas on why the line 1 is not OK. But line 3 is OK .
They look similar to me .

Here is my interpretatin of Servlet2.4 spec (Page 65 and 66 )

Let us say Request goes to MyServlet and it includes ServletA .
Now inside ServletA's code , javax.servlet.include.request_uri attribute will give the requestURI of ServletA.

On the other hand
Let us say Request goes to MyServlet and it gets forwarded to ServletA .
Now inside ServletA's code , javax.servlet.forward.request_uri attribute will give the requestURI of MyServlet. Even if original request gets forwarded from ServletA to ServletB to ServletC , the attribute javax.servlet.forward.request_uri will always correspond to original request from client.

Can some body clarify why it is different ?

Thanks for clarification
Hi All

This question is regarding the last question in Page 660 of HFSJ.

How do you constrain evertyhing with in foo/bar directory so that only ADMIN can invoke ANY http methods on those resources .

The answer given is :

My understanding is that

security-constraint defines the �http-methods� that can be performed on each �resource� given in web-resource-collection by users in each �role� given in auth-constraint . If no methods are mentioned , then everything is blocking .

So above answer should be ALL BLOCKING even for ADMIN . Please provide your thoughts on this

[ March 04, 2008: Message edited by: Akhil Maharaj ]
[ March 04, 2008: Message edited by: Akhil Maharaj ]
Hi ,

It is working now . I have had my code with unclosed </br

I think thats is what caused the problem . Thanks to both of you .
Hi ,
your solution seems to be working. However when I check for empty , it is not giving the expected result .

Can you explain what I am missing ? Why I don't see " variable myPerson is gone" in the output ?
