punit pandey

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since Jun 28, 2001
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Recent posts by punit pandey

Dear sakuntala,
Mastering means mastering and must know everything related to the subject to master. EJB, JSP, JNDI, RMI ..... etc. all belongs to the J2EE family and you need basic understanding of each. But only basic understaing will work for sufficient learning of EJB (not mastering).
hello raja,
It is not a good idea to store all the data in encrypted format rathar you should use the security of your RDBMS and rely on that. Yes, you can do this but the resultant application will not perform very well.
Anyway if you even than want to encrypt your data, you should prefer "stored procedure" to encrypt/decrypt your data. I think it is the best way.
Punit Pandey
Punit Pandey
Hi everyone,
Can anyone help me in understanding exact internal sequence when an Entity bean get called. What I think is -
1) We call create() or findByPK() method of Home interface (implemented by container) which returns RMI stub (remote reference) of Remote Interface (again implemented by contrainer).
2) This is required RMI stub which is always needed to call any RMI object (Entity Bean in our case).
3) We call methods of Entity bean using this RMI stub. ( where RMI skelton is again generated by container)
Is this correct? Is the remote reference is stub? How RMI being internally used by EJB?
Punit Pandey
Hi Florence,
Thanks for your advice. But I want to know design strategy behind this. What design goals EJB designers wanted to achive by creating two interfaces.
Punit Pandey
go to jspin.com and search for data browser.
hi everyone,
Can anyone tell me why there are two interface in EJB namely home interface and remote interface. What is the design strategy begind this. Why should not we allowed to access all PK, create and business logic method from the same commond interface.
Thanks in advance