Mazen Mahmoud

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since Oct 25, 2007
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You should avoid using scriptlets in your JSP. Anyhow, change <% } %> <% else %> to <% } else %>. This should solve your problem.

10 years ago

As mentioned, you should go for JSTL/EL rather then using scriptlets. Anyhow, you are calling in every <td> which should not be the case. You should iterate per
row and read members one by one.

10 years ago
Any updates regarding the delay? Why there is no ebook? or at least PDF for first 3 chapters so we can start tiil we receive the book.
Everything is OK ... My code was correct. The problem is that the console was displaying ???. But using JOptionpane i was able to display the correct characters.
15 years ago

Is there any way to read / display arabic charcaters from a text file?

15 years ago
i have designed a full english application. what i need now is to make it in arabic. sure i don't want to create new screens for arabic. I'm using netbeans. I've created all resource bundles. The problem is that i'm unable to let the screen (frames, labels, panels etc) switch to RTL. In fact i used component orientation, but what i need is if for example on the english screen i have label1 textbox1 label2 textbox2 => on the arabic one i want it to appear as textbox2 label2 textbox1 label1.

Is it possible??
15 years ago

Is it possible to make a JFrame (and all its components) appears from right to left??? check the arabic screen at

It's urgent.
15 years ago

I have a screen with multiple text fields (English and arabic). I want that whenever an arabic text field get the focus, the keyboard layout switch to arabic. It may be impossible to java to do this because of low level work. If this is the case, any suggested solution (Using java)
15 years ago
Thanks for your time ... I manage to solve it... the problem was in my server.xml resource definition. Everything is OK. Thanks..
16 years ago
There is nothing important in the faq!!! check it carefully ... I know that we should use JNDI. I've already modified my server.xml (creation of defaultcontext inside the host + creating resource etc.. also in web.xml i make the refernece). the problem is that it's not working.
16 years ago

I want to migrate my struts application from 1.1 to struts 1.3.5 Previously there was the data-sources and data-source tags in struts-config.xml which are removed from 1.3.5 Can anyone help me how to configure database connections with struts 1.3.5? (define database URL, username etc..)

N.B: I'm using tomcat 5.5 and oracle 9i database
16 years ago

I'm upgrading my tool with new releases of axis and java. Previously, i was using acis 1.1 and java 1.4. Everything is OK. Now, after upgrading to axis 1.4 and java 5, i'm receiving compilation error on axis because of the usage of enum as package in axis (which is a keyword now in java 5). Is axis 1.4 compatible with java 5? any soultion?

16 years ago
I have a web service which is based on gSoap. I want to create a java client. I got the WSDL, and i've used axis 1.1, 1.2, and 1.4 to generate client side. I faced many problems with base64binary like:

Found character data inside an array element while deserializing

etc.. I switched to Axis2 1.3. Now i'm receiving AxisFault : End of file or no input : 'No such file or directory' at org.apache.axis2.util.Utils.getInboundFaultFromMessageContext( etc..

Is Axis2 compatible with gSoap? any suggestion how to solve this issue?
16 years ago
Thanks for the reply. I've been able to solve it. I've used ArrayDescriptor from Java and array elements that i've sent to oracle procedure.
I know where the error comes from. It's because i'm using Timestamp which not supported with my current versions of JDK (1.3) and Oracle 9i with old JDBC driver.