Justin Moore

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since Jun 27, 2000
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u might want to check out Resin. www.caucho.com
23 years ago
my understanding is that u can set up Apache to map access to some paths as secure and others as not secure. which is what I want to do. I haven't done it yet though.
Instead I got Resin and it was all too easy!!! nice one Resin!!
23 years ago
my understanding is that u can set up Apache to map access to some paths as secure and others as not secure. which is what I want to do. I haven't done it yet though.
Instead I got Resin and it was all too easy!!! nice one Resin!!
23 years ago
we wrote something to do it...I'm about to check out LoadRunner though.
I hate reinventing wheels!
23 years ago
check out www.sourceforge.net
there may already be a project u could join. if not it's a good place to get it going
23 years ago
this project could be set up and managed at www.sourceforge.net
if u have a look there might already be a project going for this that u could contribute to.
23 years ago
I passed the beta exam a while back with 79 and I was very underprepared for the IO questions as I didn't really expect them at that time. so u can get by without being too hot on them....although I would definitely try to learn it. It's not much fun sitting exam questions that you r not ready for!
does anyone know a good link for configuring Tomcat with SSL?
If I implement Tomcat with Apache can I configure Apache so that some servlets are handled by Tomcat using SSL and some aren't?
23 years ago
does anyone know a good link for configuring Tomcat with SSL?
If I implement Tomcat with Apache can I configure Apache so that some servlets are handled by Tomcat using SSL and some aren't?
23 years ago
I use Kawa 4.1 and it's got pop ups and help. It does have a few annoying bugs though.
has the tutorial that became the book Core Servlets and JSP
check out http://www.jspin.com/ too
23 years ago
I've got Access 2000.
It's working for me. I've got Access.
typo sorry
No matter how many times you have the statement i=i++; i will not change!
In Marcus' exam it is i=i++; not i=i+1;

[This message has been edited by Justin Moore (edited July 06, 2000).]