Nidhi Nagre

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since Nov 05, 2007
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Recent posts by Nidhi Nagre

thanks to all,

how to encrypt password before storing it in database?
16 years ago
hello experts,
i want to design a login page so that user could preserve his authentication during the session,although I've logic for this in my mind but even though i want use the best way given by you.
where should i store login information to verify the the correctness of the login data entered by user, in database? or elsewhere?
16 years ago
although, I've a bit understanding about Application server, Database server and Web server but Nevertheless, Please explain how these are related to each other.

If I've Oracle 10g installed in my machine then, is it a local copy of database server or of a database ? diffrence between database server and database?

somwhere i read that Tomcat is a Web server which serves Https and can't serve EJB whereas, in my machine tomcat is installed and it is serving Https as well as servlets and JSP's, how is it a contradict?

how application server and web server are related?
if a user makes a http request across internet using java as front end then who serves this request, a web server(installed in remost host) or an application server(like websphere)?
and for java 1.6.x?

well,after briefing through documentation on Oracle JDBC drivers available in this site, i came to know about four types of oracle JDBC drivers.

Thin driver
It is a pure Java driver used on the client side, without an Oracle client installation. It can be used with both applets and applications.

what does this mean? only applet's can use fuctionality of this driver, not servlets?
if a client request for a web page across an internet that ultimately will be retrived from data base, then is it mean that he must have installed oracle database in his machine?

please give me descriptive points to understand that , how each of four drivers is used?
I've downloaded the relevent jar file named oracle 10g database driver from oracle site. but I'm still not sure that the jar file, I've downloaded, is a JDBC driver to connect to oracle 10g database or not?
is oracle database driver and jdbc driver are two diffrent entities?

please ensure me which catagory driver should i use for a web application using java as front end and oracle as backend and where can i download it from?
well, after briefing through relative tutorial i got the points how to handle session during a request made by user using cookies and URL rewriting.

even though afterall,one confusion still blending diffrent cencept.
for instance, when cookies are created and configured to be sent by the brower to that resource only which is specified in cookie.setPath("resource") method. whereas, if the requirement of an application is to roundtrip the cookie among diffrent jsp's and servlet's within the same session,then how the cookies should be configured so that either of the resource can recognize the user in that session?

as the case explained in mine second reply.
16 years ago
but, why in first call of jsp it doesn't need session handling/appending cookies/URL rewriting..etc?
[ December 31, 2007: Message edited by: Nidhi Nagre ]
16 years ago
would you please be more descriptive, how can i do this?

16 years ago
actually the applet which calls page2.jsp using it's getAppletContext().showDocument method, has been contained in page1.jsp. there is also an intermidiate servlet which store the objects in session but it is not part of my problem hence i didn't mention it.

moreover, i am using applet-servlet communication from page1.jsp to make the data available inside servlet.
the overall procedure is,

1) user enter the information in page1.jsp.
2) by applet-servlet communication data is sent to servlet to store in session.this is accomplished while being at page1.jsp because applet-servlet communication occurs in background.
3) once data stored in session, page2.jsp is called from page1.jsp using applet's getAppletContext().showDocument method.

in the first cycle it work fine while in second cycle and same server startup when session's object has been edited using same applet-servlet communication and page2.jsp has been called using same method then session.getAttribute() method doesn't show the new values at page2.jsp.

it seems like session has expired at page2.jsp in second cycle. i still can't figure out the problem. while it is cross checked that data has been edited successfully at servlet side.
[ December 30, 2007: Message edited by: Nidhi Nagre ]
16 years ago
i looked up a post across this forum wherefrom i came to know that there is diffrence between JSP and servlet in how the server deploy both.

i mean to say that, when JSP/servlet deployed in server frequently , i am not sure which one of two is served in a new startup of server every time?

or is it just a bitter confusion in my mind?

here it would more descriptive with this issue.

there are two JSP pages say page1.jsp and page2.jsp. suppose in a server startup, few objects has been stored as session attribute and jsp2.jsp has been called using getAppletContext().showDocument() method from within page1.jsp. at this time few objects stored in session are accessed inside page2.jsp.
now in same server startup and another cycle few of objects has been edited and stored in the same session and page2.jsp called again using getAppletContext().showDocument() method from within page1.jsp.

now my question is, for second cycle why the session.getAttribute("object") display old value instead of new one for objects those have been changed?

16 years ago

Mr Ulf wrote:
The only way to use Swing as part of web apps is if you put an applet on a web page. But I don't think that's what you're asking about.

nope! that's what i'm asking for.

[ December 29, 2007: Message edited by: Nidhi Nagre ]
16 years ago
hello experts,

although i have a good insight in swing and awt api's. today i have taken a look over JSF.
to develope a web application is it better to study JSF if i have knolowege of swing API's. i dont know wheather swing is having more features or JSF. i am not sure but i think we can handle event's in a and can decorate GUI components better than in jsf, right?

please remove my confusion that wheather should i study JSF or contiue with using features of swing components with servlet and jsp?

16 years ago
i am building an online examination programe in which there are two JSP are being used. one of them let the user to be registered and another one is for displaying feedback.

first jsp having applets embedded in it for user interface. it calls second jsp by getAppletContext.showDocument() method of applets. all the datas that have been entered by user are being stored as session attributes. in fact, there is an intermediate servlet that takes over storing of data in session but this is not part of my problem.

when feedback JSP called first time, it display all data correctly by session's getAttribute method.

but when user edit the entries from first JSP and feedback jsp called again, it doesn't display the new values that has been stored in session, it statically displaying previous values.
while the old attribute values replaced by new one in session and it is cross checked also in servlet. the problem created by feedback JSP.

as how much i know unlike html, JSP pages are is typical for me to point out the problem any way. please take over it

16 years ago
yeah, i got solution and its working fine

well, i want to attach a progressbar along with the download process. after looking around sun's tutorial, i came to know the key points to use progress bar but there is an additional class given to use named Task. but just intantiating it only how can i relate it to the image loading thread?

in other words, how can i relate the progress bar to this thread?

[ December 19, 2007: Message edited by: Nidhi Nagre ]
16 years ago
just couple of days before i appeared in an online examination held by an IT company. and i mentioned one thing, actually the examination form has been impressed me. there were

1) hyperlinks of questions say Q1,Q2....
2) clicking on any one of them the appropiate question was displayed at left pane.

the strategies encircled in my minds are, we can write all the question statically within application program that may not suit well if number of questions is too long.
the second way, questions can be stored in database and where they can be retrieved again from to be served to users.

but none of the ways seems to make me comfortable. sice you are experts and perhaps you has been working in the same context ever before, so i think you can give a suitable way to accomplish this.

16 years ago