Mastan Rao

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since Nov 26, 2007
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Recent posts by Mastan Rao

Hi All,

can somebody help me out for my problem.

I need to goto the previous visit page in the Firefox.In the Internet Explorer i'm able to do it with history.back(); but that is not working for Firefox.Even i am able to visit the back page but the entered values are not displaying when go back to the previous page.

Awesome Thanks

HI All,
I have a problem Here,Can anybody help me to resolve that one.My problem is I want to refresh the particular part of the HTML page with certain intervals.
I think that I can use <iframe> but with that I have some problem,so I am searching for alternatives,can anybody help to do that.

Thanks in Advance.
Hi All,
can some one help for this...
I have to initialise javascript varible to JSP variable
I have a code like this
<% x=%>{Here I need to initialise the n to x)

Thanks in advance

16 years ago
Hi All,

How can we store the value in the Data Base with the 0's in the before the number.

Ex:I have a number in the Db with value 36 , I want that value to be stored as 00036 in the DB.Can any one help me to do that.

Thanks in Advance,

Hi All,
Can any one please help me for this.I am using only JSP and Servlets.

My problem is I have a form with 3 buttons.(Button or Submit Buttons)
1)Add 2)Search 3)Reset

I have no problem with the Add and Reset Buttons functionality ,but I have a problem with Search in the Same Form.

I need a search button for searching for Particular record which already added to the data base.

Can any of you tell me how to proceed for that.

Thanks in Advance,
Hi All,
I want to improve the Performance of the Application.We have a 3 Environments.
in One Environment its retrieving records around 5 sec where as in the another Environment its retrieving records in around 25 sec.Off course more data in another Environment.And also we have a indexes.

can any one suggest how can i improve the performance.

Thanks in Advance
16 years ago
Hi All,

I had tried so many times for retrieving the data from the Excel Sheet.Can any one help Me how to do that,I am really frustrating about that.I want that data to Servlet.And i need to store that information into data base.

Thanks in Advance

Hi All,

I want to retrieve the data from the Excel sheet.can any one help me how to do that.And also give me the example .please respond quickly.

Thanks N Regards

Mastan Rao.
16 years ago
Hi all

can anyone help me to retrive the values from request object with out using request.getParameter() method, I have a 50 fields in the form,I dont wanna to get those 50 values using 50 getParameter() statements.I need to store those values in the Data base.

Thanks in Advance,

Mastan Rao.
16 years ago