ks kumar

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since Nov 28, 2007
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Thanks for your reply.

i have used a separate class file for database connection establishment.
here is the connectionpool file.

here is the query execute method

here is the query calling method

i got this error

java.sql.SQLException: Invalid state, the Connection object is closed.

please tell me what i did error coding in the above coding.

please help if any one know the answer.

Thanks and regads,
I am using JDTS JDBC driver to establish database connection.
The connection establishment and fetching the data was sucessfull from database.
But, some times i got the below error :

i can't clear this error when i try to fix this problem.
please help me, if any one know the answer, let me know.

thanks and regards,
I am working on J2EE (Servlet, JSP, JDBC, JavaMail) in chennai. I am looking for job in bangalore or chennai.

If anyone looking for my profile, please tell me. I will send my details.

Thank you,
16 years ago
I have 2+ years experience in J2EE - Chennai.
I would like to work in Chennai (or) Bangalore.
I am Looking for any small and medium level standard company.
I have completed my degree through Distance Education.

If anyone looking for such a profile i will like to forward my details.

17 years ago
domain name means - i heard and friend's told me that in IT field have more domains. such as, finance, banking, construction, and etc.

so, i asked that what domain for my prject?

i am working in web based application and developing auto parts selling (retail) site with forum. So, i want to know that what is the my primary area (domain).

17 years ago
I am working in autoparts with forum site.
i am a fresher for in this field.
i didn't know my domain name.
so, i want to know my domain name.

any bodies know that the above project domain name, please help me,

17 years ago