Geo Joseph

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since Nov 28, 2007
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Recent posts by Geo Joseph

Also you need to read this article from JavaWorld


16 years ago

Originally posted by Naman Goyal.:
I need a struts plugin for eclipse so that i can make a sturts application in eclipse but i am not getting it on net.
Please help me in this.

Hi Naman,
Im not too familiar with the plugins for eclipse, but a quick google gave me some links that you would be intrested in, the ones that i know are
easy struts plugin for eclipse and a new IDE myEclipse. Its the same(eclipse) but has visual touches for struts. I personally recomend you not to use any plugin, first learn to swim then get into deep waters i would suggest .Anyways i found some links
ibms site
and my eclipse..
17 years ago

Originally posted by Patricia Samuel:
if something is not clear then let us know

Hi'ya Patricia wooooo, you are great. This is exactly what i wanted...looked quite simple didnt it, but i wasted 2 days just thinking about it. What an idiot i am geez that was great. I want to thank specially you and also brent for your suggestions and advices. Thank you i truely appreciate this.
Geo Joseph
17 years ago

Originally posted by Brent Sterling:
My suggestion would be that instead of trying to do this in your JSP, move this into your Action (or some other Java code) where you can build up a collection that looks like what you need for your JSP. I am picturing a class named ReportItem (or whatever) that contains two properties: code, and balance. In your Java code you could take the two lists and create a single list of ReportItem objects.

- Brent

Hi brent,
Thanks for the response. Can you please give me an example on how to do this. I'll be very greatfull. The thing is the value of the req_code is comming from my resultset where ive created the getter/setter methods. And the other item that ive stored in the arraylist is returning a float value. So im just confused on how to do this. Basically how to iterate through the 2 arraylist in one logic iterate or scriplet(if we can achieve it in one iterate function).
17 years ago

Originally posted by Patricia Samuel:
<select name="req_code" size=1>
<%SelCloseReqForm scrobj=null;
ArrayList list=(ArrayList)request.getAttribute("list");
ArrayList list1= (ArrayList) request.getAttribute("list1");
Object f=request.getAttribute("f");
if(list1!=null && list1.size()>0){
Iterator itr1= list1.iterator();
for(Iterator itr=list.iterator();itr.hasNext())
<option value="" <%=scrobj.getReq_Code() %> "," "\">
<%=scrobj.getReq_Code() %> Balance : <%=scrObj1.getReq_Code(); </option> <%}}}//end if %>
Here i am assuming list and list1 will have equal size everytime.

see if it works for you or not

Hiya Patricia,
Thanks a ton for your valuable inputs. I think i didnt convey my problem correctly. Ok, the problem here is that the value scrobj.getReq_Code is comming from a bean, whereas the value of list1 is not comming from any bean. I've managed to print the values the way i want, the only problem here is ive done it twice in the select option. What i've done is...

And obviously, the values are getting iterated twice here. How can i print the values once. P.S-- the values of list is from bean, and list1 is not.
the output that im getting is something like this...
R1234 Balance: 23.0
R3456 Balance: 45.0
R5453 Balance: 89.0
and again in option
R1234 Balance: 23.0
R3456 Balance: 45.0
R5453 Balance: 89.0

Hope you got my point...Phew that was some typing...
17 years ago
Hello all,
Im stuck with a peculiar problem(atleast for me ). The situation is, In my jsp page i have to retrieve certain values. my jsp code is...

Where the req_code values that i get is from the form beans. Now the only problem is to retrieve the values of the 2nd arraylist viz list1. The 2nd arraylist contains certain float values which corresponds to the req_code values. At present i can only retrieve the values of req_code vertically....the current output is...
R12345 Balance:
the way i want it is..
R12345 Balance: 345.0
and so on....
Please help me on how to achieve this.
17 years ago
Hi there,
I managed to solve the problem, bit too early to post must say. The problem was in the resultset i was doing something like list.add(mf);
instead it should had been list.add(getData(resultset));
and most importantly i messed up here, this should had been--
httpservletrequest.setAttribute("list", list);
instead of mf in place of list.
Geo J.
17 years ago
Hi everybody,
Im stuck with a problem, seeking your assistance. The situation is i have a link, when i click on the link a action is called, which in turn calls its respective action mapping(jsp page). All this works fine without any error. Now the only problem is when the user clicks on the link the jsp page is getting displayed, instead of displaying the result nothing is showing up. That is no data is shown. This is my code.

when the user clicks the link the action class is called. Im getting a resultset and i'm storing the resultset in a arraylist

and in the result set im just calling it as

And in jsp page im retrieving it as--

Can anybody help me here in this regard, i appreciate your kind help on this matter.
Geo J.
17 years ago