Nishal Dsouza

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since Dec 02, 2007
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Recent posts by Nishal Dsouza

Hi Ravikanth

I hope this helps you
16 years ago
Hi Sunny

I dont agree with you. Because
<jsp:useBean id="now" class="java.util.Date" scope="request" /> declares and initializes the "now" variable as a local variable inside the jspService method.
Hi Ravikanth

Instead of struts tag you use el expression.

Try this
This is because when you use <bean:write> tag it will print the value return by the getter method of your bean which is a String.
16 years ago

I am using jboss. I want to set max bean pool size using annotations for stateful session beans.
Can anyone help me?

I am using jboss. I want to set max bean pool size using annotations for stateful session beans.
Can anyone help me?
[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Nishal Dsouza ]
16 years ago
This is because the container you are using does not support EL because it implements lower versions of JSP 2.0 specification.
install tomcat 5.5.26 or higher version it should work
Can you tell me which container and which version are you using?
Good catch i got questions on dynamic attributes which is not covered in hfsj first edition.

Since You are working in web technoloies. Better to take scwcd first then go for scbcd. Even i was planinig to take scbcd first. Later i changed my mind and took scwcd.
Hi thanks a lot.

U can get the SCWCD 1.4 Study Guide by Mikalai Zaikin in pdf format
Hi All

I completed my SCWCD5 on sunday. Exam was easy but options were confusing.
I scored 84%. I read HFSJ first edition. Then i took the final mock exam. I scored only 55%. Then i went through Mikalai Zaikin scwcd tutorial.
[ May 06, 2008: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]

Even i read the book. Its realy good.
16 years ago
Hi Jothi

I am preparing for scbcd 5 and i have EJB 3 in action.
Other than this which book i have to refer to pass the exam?