Dawid Augustynowicz

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since Dec 05, 2007
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Recent posts by Dawid Augustynowicz

Hey Cameron, et al
If you want to publish your credentials cheeper unselect some of them. It is payed 7,5$ per published credential.
Have you all recieved information on email? I have not. I seen only information on cert manager (https://i7lp.integral7.com/durango/do/login?ownername=sun&channel=sun&basechannel=prometric) that I passed, but no email. Strange
Hey, does anyone got the results already?

Originally posted by Daniel Amadei:
Hi All,

Anybody got the results? I'm seeing I7 DB every 10 minutes and still havent got the results


[ February 18, 2008: Message edited by: Daniel Amadei ]

I'm doing the same. It seems there's still no results :/
Here is my question that yesterday I sent to Sun and Prometric:

Dear Prometric and Sun,
I taken SCEA 5 beta all three parts. The last part - essey - I've taken on 20 Dec. Still havn't recieved result. Is it available somewhere?

Here is reply that today I got from sun (Appreciate Sun for very fast answer!):

Dear Dawid Augustynowicz,
Thank you for contacting Sun Certification Customer Support. We are happy to assist you.
We expect the SCEA 5 Beta exam results to be released by February 29, 2008. You will be notified via email of your successful certification.
If you do not pass, you will be notified via mail. You will then have the option of purchasing the Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Assignment Resubmission) (CX-310-301R) if you would like to attempt the assignment again.
We appreciate your patience.
Please let us know if we may be of further assistance. Thank you for choosing Sun products and services.

It seems that we need to pe patient few days more
Hi. I've got an idea to create on LinkedIn comunity portal special group that sun certified people will be able to sign in. Do you think that it is a good idea? How about legal issues? Can I create such group or should I rather send this idea to Sun?
16 years ago
After login to this page: www.certmanager.net/sun/ I found my PROMETRIC ID (this number required inside of mail) as some srAAAAAAA (where A are digits). Zipped file should contain something called testing i.d. I found this item in my profile on this page: http://www.prometric.com/Sun/default.htm. It is the same as PROMETRIC ID: srAAAAAAA.

We must take part 3, and wait about 6-8 weeks after Dec 26th 2007, I believe.

Does it mean that we should take a part in III of exam not knowing result of part II? Might it happen that I fail part II, taken part III and then after 6-8 week after all they send info that I didn't need to participate in part III because I failed part II?

Another question is what happen when I fail part II/part III of beta? When I'd like to take a full version of exam should I take a part in part I again if I already passed it on beta?

Tomorrow is the last day when we should sent our beta scea assignments and I see mine one in black
You can just simply zip your files and rename result file to jar. Jar files are just zipped files with .jar extension.
And how long from submition should we wait for result?
I use UML2 and I do it in this way: I group smaller components in one bigger component. On components diagram I draw jsp components squares inside bigger component square and call this bigger component for example ClientWebApp. Then on deployment diagram inside of nodes put only grouping components.
Is this the best way to document JMS messaging in my project? (and it is UML compilant?):

I'm confused how to show JMS messanging on my diagrams. I'm using UML2. First I thought to show queue/topic as artifact and sender and reciever as components dependent on this JMS archetype. Another idea I had is to show Message as interface and reciever of this message as assembly connector, but then it is not visible if it is topic or queue communication. I also had idea to show this topic/queue as separate component with interfaces for example Publish, Subscribe. What is the best way to model JMS communication? Maybe should I show on deployment diagram instead of component diagram?
C is also true - that's the purpose of singleton - it allows to create only one instance of object (or pool of objects)