Rajashekar Akula

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since Dec 06, 2007
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Recent posts by Rajashekar Akula

with Streams support, do you know the java client with supports STREAMS?
5 years ago
Does anybody know the best Redis client available to use from Kotlin? The one which supports latest Redis 5 feature, STREAMS
5 years ago
Are there any frameworks available to use Kotlin with? Specifically i am interested with any frameworks to build micro services.
5 years ago

I have cleared all the parts of SCEA 5. Now, I am a Sun Certified Enterprise Architect.

The information provided in this forum was very helpful. I would like to thank all the members of this forum for their support.


15 years ago

15 years ago
Let me re·phrase the question..
Can the supported documentation be submitted as "word document"?
I have a question regarding the documentation part of the assignment submission -
The deliverables part of the assignment says that "all the deliverables will be accepted as HTMLs only".
Risk list and supporting documentation(assumptions, decisions etc.,) should be included in htmls only OR we can include in word document and provide links from HTML.

Thanks in advance,

Thank you Cameron! for the prompt reply.

Let me take an example, There is a class 'order' which i have designed as an entity and the client is invoking this class from a session facade. The client request is coming through a controller class(servlet) and request processor and there could be other handler/action classes.
So my question is -
Is it sufficient to include only the order class in the class diagram OR do i need to include all other classes(controller class, request processor, session facade etc.,) which the developer has to implement while coding.


For SCEA part 2 assignment submission, Does the class digram show Java EE specific classes or generic classes in the class diagram?
A class diagram can be represented by either generic classes or Java EE specific classes like EJB classes, Servlet classes, helper classes, interfaces etc., I was wondering which is the right way of representing a class digram for the assignment submission?

I have already prepared a class digram with generic classes, but after reading some topics, i am little bit confused.

Can somebody please clarify? Thanks
Hi Jonathan,

I have got the same assignment, started working on it since last couple of weeks. I totally agree that the check availability of a product should be queried from big smokes inventory system and not from manufacturer inventory systems. Check availability use case clearly says that the inventory system sends response with the number of units(given product) available for sale. So if we assume that the customer should enter the quantity within these limits i.e., les than or equal to the number of units available for sale.
I have a question here - Check availability of a product is queried when the customer selects a product in search catelog and adding a product to the shopping cart. As per the use case, the checkout use case does not check the availablity of a product and the customer can modify the quantity. When the customer modifies the quantity during checkout, Should the system check the quantity against the inventory system. What is/was your assumption? Please correct me if my assumption does not make any sense..

BTW, Did you already submitted the assignment or still working on it?

Thanks in advance,