Mark A Brown

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since Jan 01, 2008
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I'm very pleased with the preparation afforded me by the HFSJ book and the forums here at Javaranch. After some technical difficulties at the Prometric testing center which caused me to start my exam 1 hour and 45 minutes late, I managed to finish all 80 questions in just over an hour and a half. It was definitely a challenging exam.

Thanks again to everyone for their assistance.
16 years ago

Originally posted by dolly shah:
How "d" is the correct answer? Please anyone can explain?

Whenever a servlet goes out of service, either by the container being shut down or the application being redeployed, the container calls the servlet's jspDestroy method to allow the servlet to "clean up" before being taken out of service.
[ January 07, 2008: Message edited by: Mark A Brown ]
The main problem is in your HTML file. You've listed the form's action to be servlet/EmpEchoServlet. However, in your web.xml file, you've listed the url-pattern to be just /EmpEchoServlet. Try removing the servlet prefix in the HTML form's action attribute.

I'm assuming that you've got your servlet class file located in the com\test subdirectory structure below WEB-INF\classes directory.