zimbu bolleddu

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since Jan 14, 2008
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Recent posts by zimbu bolleddu

Hi all,

here is my issue :

I have description field in my jsp page, when user enters some non ASCII characters as shown below :

This is user had entered the input string is :
"Hello ������� Hello" (without quotes)

When he edits for the first time without change anything in the the string and save, then it became :
"Hello Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã? Hello" (without quotes)

Then again one more time, it became :
"Hello Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â? Hello" (without quotes)

Like wise it is getting increased its size. I'm saving the data to Oracle 10g database from jsp.

Please suggest what to do to rectify the problem.

Thanks & regards,
14 years ago
Yeah I tried in windows machine,

I don't have any other machine, but I want it in web application will it work on unix server,

I mean my apps are deployed on Unix machine, but most of the clients use windows machines only

so will it work accordingly .. ?


14 years ago
Thank you Ireneusz Kordal,

In which java version it will works fine .> ?

and Im using java 6 so it is not supported isEmpty() method , so I modified to equals(""), then it works for me

the resulting is showing is below :

but it is giving me some question marks how to avoid it .> ?

Thank you very much
14 years ago
hi all ,

hers is my question :

how to display all countries currency codes :

as of now I'm showing like

but Locale is not supported for all the counties in the world,


so how to resolve this problem

please give code examples

Thanks & regards,
here are listed countries I have to show the currency symbols

14 years ago
hi all,

how to use session variable in struts 2...?

I have been using like : session.setAttribute("xyz,"xyz");

getAttribute("xyz"); in struts 1.x

but how would I work it in struts 2.x

please give any example ...code ...

Thanks & Regards,
15 years ago
Dear all,

I'm new to struts 2.0, please help me while reading input from .properties file.

And one more thing how to distinguish two or more properties files which are having same sort of strings.

code examples are highly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,
15 years ago
What is the procedure you have followed ...?

Are you using any IDE (like netbeans, eclipse)... ?
15 years ago
Hi all,

I have been working on web application , here is my requirement:

I'm constructing sql statement dynamically from dynamic user input (form data). In one of the field having single quote.

while executing the query it is getting problem because of single quote .. so how do i resolve my problem.

single quote should be there. (I'm using Ms-Access as my database).

Thanks in advance
Hi all,

I have been working on struts 1.2, while I'm running my application
I found Project Name was Hidden in my URL, so how can I debug this... ?

Thanks & Regards,
15 years ago
Hi all,

I have created some textboxes dynamically by using

var sun = document.createElement('input');

with button click.

after some time I will re visit the fields, how do I retrive that element's Id or name onblur event.

Bythe following code I used to get the value of the specified element, but I want id or name of that element .

code examples are highly appreciated.

Thanks & regards,
Hi all,

now I'm using to access my application like :

http://system ip:8080/application

but I don't want to use like that, instead of that I want like some name (some.com) in local intranet.

I heard like have to change in host file from operating system .

I'm using windows xp to develop the applications and target system is windows 2008 server.

my webserver is tomcat 6.0

please help me out.
15 years ago
Thanks for your reply.

Yeah he can't do anything but I don't want allow him to click on back button,
If he/she clicked on back button it should display session expired or any specified error message.

Thank you ..
15 years ago
Hi all,

How to restrict or avoid browser back button after logout.
I have performed :
1) session.invalidate()
2) delete cookies.
But whenever I clicked on back button it shows previous page.

Please anybody help me out. Code examples are highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
15 years ago
Hi all,

I'm new to struts, please let me know how to use cookies with struts.

I have three struts applications, in run time I have to switch from one application to another application based on single login page. I have taught cookies are one of the solution. But while I'm googling I unable to get such a good material.

please give some example,

Thanks in advance.
15 years ago
Thanks for your reply.
15 years ago