I have a peculiar problem I'm hoping someone can help with. First, let me explain how it works now and then I'll explain what the client wants to do differently.
I have a servlet which in it's init() method opens a single connection to a database. Each service() method uses this connection to run a query. The destroy() method closes the connection when the web server (JWS on Win2000) shuts down.
The client would like to run maintenance on the datbase every night and this requires exclusive use of the database. The only way to release the servlet's connection is to shut down the web server. Obviously, this is not ideal. Also, the client does not want the hassle of running a duplicate database for several reasons, not the least of which is the shear size of the files.
The client has asked for a GUI application that they can click on that closes the connection and causes web site users to see "Database down - please come back in 5 minutes" or a similar message. After maintenance, they can click on a button and resume normal operation.
Can this be done? Can I launch a GUI from a servlet's init() and have that GUI control the connection? If not, any other ideas? (I have a sneaky suspicion I'm missing something VERY obvious)
Your help is greatly appreciated!
Arsin Delve.