rajan Kayarohanam

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since Jan 24, 2008
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RAD - IBM Rational Application Developer, its an IDE for developing Applications.
IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD) is the new generation of Java application development environments built on the Eclipse open platform.

The Steps which i gave is to do the Pre-Compilation of JSPs in RAD IDE.
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what is the IDE you are using to develop your application?
16 years ago
Hi Maya Thomas,

I've done few R&D in this and finally i came to conclusion that these problems are due to JSP's.

While you Build the Application the JSP's will generate class files for all the JSP's. Check the EAR/WAR file for the Class files of all the JSP's and then Deploy the application.

The Reason : After the Application is deployed in Prod/Pilot Server when you try to click on some JSP, the Jsp will actually try to create a class file for the same and because of that it takes time to load. so instead you create the Class files even before Deploying the EAR/WAR file in Server.

Steps in RAD to create the Class Files in JSP:
1. Right the Web Project under the Dynamic Projects for "Properties", here there is a option called "JSP Compilation".
By Default the "when Server Displays page" options will be chosen, Change the option to "when project is built in workspace" and chek the checkbox.
This will lead you to create the Class files of JSP's.

16 years ago
The validations can be done by the same way its done in the normal forms.
either you can use the Action class for the validations where you have to return the action errors by

Or the other way is to have the validations in the validations.xml file with the name as the formName.

Hope this will be useful for you.

16 years ago
You can use javascript DOM properties for this functionality...
find below the URL for this

Add Row

I guess this would be helpful for you.

16 years ago
Hi Selvaraj,

i feel that you have to look into WEB 2.0 concepts for this.

16 years ago
Hi Smith,

Passing value from a JSP to another JSP using javascriopt can be done by methods in dhtml.
For Ex : consider there are 2 JSP's JSP1 and JSP2. in the JSP1 have a hidden variable and in the hidden variable onchange event call a function.

in the JSP2 ,

And in the JSP 1 when the value changes the onchange js function will be called and in the function take the hidden variable value and do the manipulation....

Hope i answered to YOUR question...

16 years ago
Yeah i too feel that JavaRanch is using CGI scripts. But what made JavaRanch to used CGI rather than a JSP? Is there any special reason for this?
16 years ago
First i've to thank you for guiding me in NOSCRIPT and getting the JS. i used the first way to get the JS file. Thanks for it. Thanks a lot....

And the question you have asked in the last, i'm not properly getting what do you mean by that. I'm using JSP's in my application is to have ease of maintenance and mostly its to decouple the view and business logic. hopefully JavaRanch also would have implemented for the same reason.

Anyways thanks for your valuable information at this point.

16 years ago

Thanks for your reply... i saw the source code of the JSP, but there is a javascript function called "getRanchTime()" for this problem, but the javascript written in a JS file which is not available.

For your information i have pasted the code below. here there is something called <noscript> tag. i'm not aware of that too.. could you help me in this regard!!!

To Explain the Problem in brief.. The Server for the JavaRanch is located in the US, and When the users from different country post their questions they will be saved in US database of the US Server time, but while displaying them in the JSP page the current local Time of the user is displayed. How is this implemented, it would be great if you could help me in this regard.

16 years ago
Dear Moderator,

The Footer of this WEB Application there is a note saying that
"All times above are in your local time zone & format. The current ranch time (not your local time) is Thursday 0:57, US Mountain time (GMT-7)."

We need the implementation of the same. Can you help us in this regard with java Code?

Thanks in Advance,
[ February 15, 2008: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
16 years ago
for this you can write a code in your action such that take the selected value in that dropdown list and based upon that set some boolean value/set some property in the form to 1/2/3/4 which ever you want. and in the JSP you can use <logic:equal name="formName" property="thePropertyyouHaveSetInForm" value="1/2/3/4..."> give the Text box here.</logic:equal>.

Basically you have to get the dropdown list value in your action and based upon that you have to set a property to 1or2or3or4 and can use the logc:equal tag.

Test and let me know if this had helped you... Good Luck!!!
16 years ago
Hi All,
i've a issue. i've a JSP page where in there are 2 rows of dropdown list as one column and input text as the other. like this by default there are 2 rows.
Now i've already written a JS function for adding and removing a new row below the existing row. now the issue is i've to take the values of the dynamically created rows to my action as a list till my command class to save in DB.
The approch i've followed is by having a bean which will consists of id,val and percent with getter and setters. and this bean as a list in my form in a list variable.

i'm trying to create a dynamic row with the property of list.bean.property, so that when i save my dynamically created row will have the values in the bean property.
ex. "list[0].somebean.someid".....
this is my approach but i'm not able to procees further... could somebody help me out!!!

Thanks in Advance.
16 years ago