Mark Gabb

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since Feb 03, 2008
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Recent posts by Mark Gabb

Jesper Young wrote:You can also view it like this: Whether a method needs to be synchronized, really depends on the implementation of the method; it's an implementation detail. An abstract class only declares the interface of abstract methods, and doesn't know anything about the implementation (which is in a concrete subclass of the abstract class). It would be strange if an implementation detail is specified in the interface of a method.

You can use the 'synchronized' modifier on a concrete implementation of an abstract method, which is where it belongs.

Ok, thank you. :-)
Ahhh, I see :-)

I have just realised now that you can override a synchronized method with a non-synchronized version of the method so this would make sense.

Thank you for your help Lukas.
Hi all,

Could anyone give me any information on why you can't have an abstract synchronized method like below:
I can't see why you can't do this, and the compiler is not giving me any information?
Also I can't find any useful information on google.


Hi all,

I have recently purchased Whizlabs which I have found fantastic help!
However, I have a question about the fact there is a question regarding ConcurrentHashMap and also a few regarding ConcurrentSkipListMap. I cannot see these on the objectives? Can anyone clarify whether there is a chance they will be on the exam?

I will be taking the SCJP1.6 exam.

Any help much appreciated,

Excellent thank you,

I found an error though, your heading reads 'JSCP' instead of 'SCJP' ;-)
Hi all,

Is there an errata for this book being collected?

Sorry if this question has been asked in the past,

Many thanks,

Bitwise operations are not on the SCJP1.5 exam as far as I know.
Neither is the Math class or any use of it.
On the exam, the questions are answered in a random order.
If I'm wrong about anything above, then someone please correct me ;-)
I would personally take the latest certification porssible i.e. SCJP 1.6 which as far as I know has very little difference to SCJP1.5.
Is there a particular need for you to do SCJP1.4 or SCJP1.5 why not do SCJP1.6?

Hope this helps,


I thought this might be the case, but couldn't find any confirmation on the web.

Thank you for the information :-)
Hi everyone,

Does anyone know how the marking works on the exam?

I.e. are there half marks, or do you basically get a question right or you get the question wrong?

Any help much appreciated

Thanks and regards,

Is there a particular mock exam which someone could recommend to me? I will be working through all of them throughout the next couple of months.
However, I would just like to know which particular one mock exam would someone recommend. Would people recommend number 9 on the mock exams page? I.e. the John Mayer exam?

Any comments very much appreciated,
Hi everyone,

I am aware there is an excellent Mock Exam page, I was just wondering if someone could recommend one, what would it be?
I see there has been many good comments about John Mayer's 1.5 Mock test, would everyone agree this is a good one to try?
Any comments much appreciated,

Thanks and regards,

When you say 'without doing all the questions on Collection and generics', is this because this is a difficult area for you? If so, it's probably best to concentrate on this area and do all the questions you can on this area in the mock exams.
That way, you know the mock exams you have done have covered every topic.
System.out.println(" " + 7 + 2 );
System.out.println( 7 + 2);

why the output first line is 72 and it's 9 for next line

" " + 7 + 2 = 72, because the first element is a string, therefore it will treat the 7 and 2 being added to a string i.e. 72 being added to the blank string.

7+2 = 9, because the first element is an int and therefore it will add 2 as an int rather than a string.