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Rikard Qvarforth

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since Jul 10, 2001
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well in session bean the ejbActivate and ejbPassivate methods is where you should aqureire and relese resources before the bean is passivated or activated by the container. For runtime exception you cant be sure of so make your implemention code in theese callbacks(hookmethods) and you should be safe

Regards Rikard
Well you already have one class taht is public make the ClassTwo package.
But i should suggest that you put the class ClassTwo in a new file makees it more clear. .

regards Rille
[ December 03, 2005: Message edited by: Rikard Qvarforth ]
18 years ago
String s = "i'm a string"; -- valid
String s = (String) 'i'm a string'; -- not valid , invalid char, no ''
String s = null; -- valid, can always set an object to null

cheers Rille
19 years ago
One way to get avoid to have seesion scoped beans, is to put the model/data in the jsf componet itself. ex the model in i jsf table
You can have the dao object loaded outside the jsf to avoid serious load issios and have them in appscope so the req beans can access them.

19 years ago
Hi well the hole ide as i get it is that you dont have to get all the session and req params from the request the jsf model abstracts that. Insteed you will go throw listernes and valubinding mechanism insteed. A good place to begin at is buy some books and start hacking

ps. the backing beans can also have a bind to a jsfcomponent and in that way get the data and manupilate it.

19 years ago
Hi all i have a question. Im about to create a Calendar component in jsf.
The custom component will be a aggregete comp and not a comp that jsut have some pretty renderer. I want the basic components default renderes that this calender will be made of to the nitty gritty work of rendering back the html. But how do i make this ? i tried to find some examples on the web but i cant find it not an example on an cstom jsf component that is more like an aggregate component ?? any one have an ide ?

//Thanks Rille

oh.. or if anyone can fgure out how to distinguish when an user clicks on the next or prev month links from an click on an date in the myfaces component inputcalendar ?
19 years ago
19 years ago
i just have to post something its been a while ..
19 years ago
If you drink to much beer you get a headache
If you are with more than one women you get the same headache
but it seemed like a good ide at the time ..

oh well i must be rambling on ..
19 years ago
hi, so you dident put
<message-resources parameter="blabla.ApplicationResources"/>
in your struts-config file ?
19 years ago
ohh i liked "design patterns explaind" alot. A terrific biginners book.

Hi im wondering where to get a nice custom tag thet renders a calendar for the user to pick dates from ?? tried to google at it but it was all commercial is there any opensoucre calendar tag out there ?

19 years ago
Dont know if a get the question, but try out Arrays.sort() method

//Hope it helps Rille
19 years ago
how does Prevayler fit in to this ?

Hi folks !
I have been digging in to the javax.swing.table package latly. Im building an JTable with a column model and a tablemodel. And for each column i hava a diffrent renderer. The tablemodel is updatable with new data when the user clicks in the jtree i have. The reason why a buildt so many renderers are, that i cant have renderes based on the column class type, i need to set the different tooltips and so on for the spefic data.
But i feel like some controller logic is in the diffrent renderes and the init method who puts the hole kabang together just explode with crappy code. The hole package is static and has proceduel smell to it (maby its the writer of the code ) so i wonder if i can add a extra layer on top of the data model. Which adds the tooltips from a resource file and formats the values from the model.
And then the renderer just cast the value the the new interface and gets all the niffy piffy stuff . But how can i make the "datamapping to column" not so static ? i dont want some switch ??
Anyone out there who can this ?? feels like im lost in the dark looking for the right desing.
Many thanks !
20 years ago