Christophe Vansweevelt

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since Feb 15, 2008
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Take SCWCD5 and don'tforget the tutorial on Dynamic attributes !

Yes I think too this belongs to the Tranfer Object (Value Object) Pattern.

Do you remenber the other: it reduces network traffic and ther was another advandtage, it's about improving network performance with coarse-grained of sth, or fine-grained. dunno

Hello Ranchers,

I am going to take 310-083 next tuesday,hope I will pass the exam from the 1st time.

I have read HFSJ about 2 times, made some Enthuware mocks (maximum score 67%)
hopefully the exam is less difficult than the mocks.

Please wish me good luck !

I will be happy if everything has been passed successfully !

Can some-one give me some good-advice for next week ? Thanks in advance
Hello Paul,

I've had the same feeling some say that the real-exam is harder than the Enthuware other say that real exam is less difficult than Enthuware --> see topic SCWCD passed with 81% from Meera

Can some-one clarify this please ?

I'm a little bit concerned
Hello Ranchers,

I'd like to take the SCWCD5 - exam, can anyone tell me of HFSJ is enough to pass this exam please ?
HFSJ is dated from 2004 and we're now 2008.

The only difference between 310-081 & 310-083(SCWCD5) I see is that the passing score is increased from 64% to 70% is that correct ?

But I don't know why the time-limit is increased heavily to 3:15u.
Is this exam (310-083) so difficult then ?

Also has anyone a simulator (free or commercial one) to test 310-083? For the moment I only found the whizlabs and JWebplus from Enthuware but this test 310-081 & 310-082.

I would like to pass from the first time.

Any comment nd help would be really appreciated.

Thanks guys !
