Srividhya Kiran

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since Feb 17, 2008
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Recent posts by Srividhya Kiran

I dont think I can understand your reply. I am able to understand the sections from the sun's website. From where did you get the

"the specification core, persistence e simplified wich makes a EJB 3 Specification."

What does the section refers? Are they the objectives given in the website
Which book you are referring here? Even I am looking for something like this
Hello All

I am planning to take SCBCD certification CX-310-091. Please let me know the best book I should read for taking this exam. I would also liked to know the general amount of time required for preparing this certification. Any suggestions/ advice is much appreciated.

SCJP 5.0

I am trying to install Cruise Control in Unix box with the clearcase. I got the following exception:

[cc]Jun-08 10:54:10 Project - Project eTA-commit starting
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:10 Project - Project eTA-commit: idle
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:10 Project - Project eTA-commit started
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:10 Project - Project eTA-commit: in build queue
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:11 ontrollerAgent- Starting HttpAdaptor with CC-Stylesheets
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:11 ontrollerAgent- starting httpAdaptor
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:11 ontrollerAgent- starting rmiRegistry
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:11 ontrollerAgent- starting connectorServer
2009-06-08 10:54:11.184::INFO: Logging to STDERR via org.mortbay.log.StdErrLog
2009-06-08 10:54:11.576::INFO: jetty-6.1.11
2009-06-08 10:54:16.318:/dashboard:INFO: Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext
2009-06-08 10:54:19.131:/dashboard:INFO: Set web app root system property: 'webapp.root' = [/home/cruise_admin/opt/package/cruisecontrol-2.8.2/bin/cruisecontrol-bin-2.8.2/cruisecontrol-bin-2.8.2/webapps/dashboard/]
2009-06-08 10:54:19.195:/dashboard:INFO: Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'spring-ajax'
2009-06-08 10:54:20.018:/dashboard:INFO: Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'spring-exceptions'
2009-06-08 10:54:21.946:/dashboard:INFO: Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'spring-pages'
2009-06-08 10:54:22.366:/dashboard:INFO: Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'spring-tabs'
2009-06-08 10:54:23.024::INFO: Opened /home/cruise_admin/opt/package/cruisecontrol-2.8.2/bin/cruisecontrol-bin-2.8.2/cruisecontrol-bin-2.8.2/logs/2009_06_08.request.log
2009-06-08 10:54:23.118::INFO: Started SelectChannelConnector@
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:23 BuildQueue - BuildQueue started
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:23 BuildQueue - now adding to the thread queue: eTA-commit
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:23 Project - Project eTA-commit: bootstrapping
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:23 jectController- eTA-commit Controller: build progress event: bootstrapping
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:24 seViewstrapper- cleartool: Error: Couldn't set view tag cruise_admin: ClearCase object not found
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:24 Project - Project eTA-commit: idle
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:24 jectController- eTA-commit Controller: build progress event: idle
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:24 Project - exception attempting build in project eTA-commit
net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.CruiseControlException: cleartool process exited with error code 1
at net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.util.CommandExecutor.executeAndWait(
at net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.util.Commandline.executeAndWait(
at net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.bootstrappers.ClearCaseViewstrapper.bootstrap(
at net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.Project.bootstrap(
at net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.Project.execute(
at net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.ProjectConfig.execute(
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:24 Project - Project eTA-commit: next build in 5 minutes
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:24 Project - Project eTA-commit: waiting for next time to build
[cc]Jun-08 10:54:24 jectController- eTA-commit Controller: build progress event: waiting for next time to build

Please let me know how do I resolve this exception.

Sorry not sure about the exact forum to post this question.
15 years ago
Hello All

I am getting this exception

a specified period of time or when I log in for the first time. when I try to re login immediately after I get this exception it works fine. The environment I am running my application is

unix platform
tomcat 6.0.18
mysql 5.0.67
mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin is the jdbc connector I am using.

My connection pool defined in tomcat context.xml:

I have set the permission:

view plaincopy to clipboardprint?

1. GRANT ALL ON mydb.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxxx';

GRANT ALL ON mydb.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxxx';

And When I execute

view plaincopy to clipboardprint?

1. Show Create Procedure mydb.myproc;

Show Create Procedure mydb.myproc;

I am able to see the entire body of the procedure.

And one more point is I get this exception only when i run my application on my remote server which runs on unix platform and not on my local machine which runs on windows.

Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.

15 years ago
Hello All

I am getting this exception

I get this exception after I log into application after a specified period of time or when I log in for the first time. when I try to re login immediately after I get this exception it works fine. The environment I am running my application is

  • unix platform
    tomcat 6.0.18
    mysql 5.0.67
    mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin is the jdbc connector I am using.

  • My connection pool defined in tomcat context.xml:

    I have set the permission:

    And When I execute

    I am able to see the entire body of the procedure.

    And one more point is I get this exception only when i run my application on my remote server which runs on unix platform and not on my local machine which runs on windows.

    Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.

    Hello ranchers

    I am new to struts and I have zero knowledge about it. I recently finished my SCWCD 5.0 certification. Can anyone suggest me good book for understanding struts 2.0 and which has practical examples. There are many books in the market so I dont know which one to buy. So please help me.

    16 years ago
    I practiced for 2 months. I think SCJP questions were more tricky. Here are my scores....


    71% - Fail



    And I took marcus green mock exam, javabeat and Peabody Design Pattern notes.

    I studied HFSJ then took whizlabs and enthuware mock exam. Enthuware mock exam was more helpful. Thats all.

    Hello ranchers

    Thanks for your support. Today I cleared SCWCD exam with 94%.

    Thanks christophe. These questions are from HFSJ mock exam 2nd edition. Is there any errata for this edition.

    And I have a doubt in a topic not related to this post. Can a request dispatcher be used to forward a request to a file in another web application. I am taking my exam tomorrow so in a hurry. Sorry.

    Hello ranchers

    Is it valid for more instances of <auth-constraint> to exist within the single <security-constraint> tag?

    1. <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="
    jstl/core" %>
    2. <%@ taglib prefix="tables" uri="http://www.javaranch.
    com/tables" %>
    3. <%@ taglib prefix="jsp" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags" %>
    4. <%@ taglib uri="UtilityFunctions" prefix="util" %>
    What about the above taglib directives would cause the JSP to not function?
    A. Line 4 is wrong because the prefix attribute must come before the
    uri attribute.
    B. Line 3 is wrong because there is no uri attribute.
    C. Line 4 is wrong because the uri value must begin with http://
    D. Line 3 is wrong because the prefix jsp is reserved for standard actions.

    Correct answer: C. I think option C is wrong and right answer should be option D. Help me to find the correct answer.
