Rakesh Chaudhary

Ranch Hand
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since Feb 19, 2008
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Recent posts by Rakesh Chaudhary

Hi Guys,

We are consuming a SOAP request from a B2B integrator client. The request is well formed and it has an SOAP Envelope followed with a soap body.

If I test the request from SOAP UI it goes fine and the server consumes it without any errors . But with the B2B integrator it throws the below exception.

[2014-03-22 10:20:08:821 CET] 0000013b SOAPEnvelopeB E com.ibm.ws.webservices.engine.xmlsoap.builders.SOAPEnvelopeBuilder startElement: The message is enclosed in SyncOrder tags. As stated in the Basic Profile 1.1 Specification Rule R9980 , the message must be in a SOAP Envelope.
[2014-03-22 10:20:08:837 CET] 0000013b WebServicesSe E com.ibm.ws.webservices.engine.transport.http.WebServicesServlet doPost WSWS3227E: Error: Exception:
faultCode: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server.generalException
faultString: org.xml.sax.SAXException: WSWS3066E: Error: Expected 'envelope' but found SyncOrder Message being parsed:
faultActor: null

Best Regards

10 years ago
Hey this was quick


download a sysdeo plugin and place the unzipped file in the plugin folder of your eclipse environment.

Restart click ...You will be able to see three icons for Start/Stop/Restart of Tomcat on the eclipse Workbench.

Now.on navigate to Windows-->Preferences-->Locate Tomcat and click ....Select the version-->path of the home directory...And done.!!!

Start the tomcat ...you can see it running in the Console window.


12 years ago
Hi Tijo,

Were you able to install sysdeo on Eclipse.If not than will like to help you on this !!

12 years ago

You can use native methods..to do that ..I did that for normal Javascripts...

12 years ago
Hi Abani,

You can call a servlet using RPC mechanism in GWT than your servlet can call your JSP pages....

Now the thing is that your GWT application has to make this call..Just Google with GWT + RPC and I am sure you will get more than the information needed ....


12 years ago

Darryl Burke wrote:Scroll down

Good One....Darryl

13 years ago
Hi Ranchers,

Here I am stuck with a scenario...I have to show html text on particular condition from a scriplet how do I do it....

Currently the Jsp says...like

Existing html

Now I have to make it..display...like...

How do I go about it....Thanks in Advance...

13 years ago

It seems you have the View and Controller in place all you need is a Model ...

Dont write all the business logic in Servlets thats your controller....it should be only use for delegation from View to Controller....All the business logic should come from a pojo ..class thats your Model...try calling these classes from you are Servlet and Map the same in your JSP's as well...

All the Best...

13 years ago
Hi Paul,

The thing is I am not at all trying to connect to the test or assa dB....or some crap username...My requirement here is different...like I trying to connect to a dB

named base and to a user base.

But some how its taking the reference of this test and assa ....from where I am not able to figure out.

The connection url I am using is having the reference to the base dB and user base...but its not taking ..it..

I tried installing the sql server...n number of times..but dont know ..where this reference is stuck....

All my config...files are correct and pointing towards....base and base...

I dont know how to assign ...the base dB as a default one...I have to try this..anyways..thanks for the reply..
Hi Ranchers,

I am using MS SQL Server 2005.While deploying my application I get this error on the Tomcat log...The config..file for the local environment here has been set to different
1.database user
2.Login name

But some how I get this error where its trying to login to different database and different user...

I am using mixed mode authentication here ...I have enabled all the pipes....VIA,TCP/IP,Named pipes etc..

Have set the protocol for TCP/IP to 1433.

Started the service........Even I uninstalled the Db and installed it again ....

Still I getting this Exception for a Db which doesnt exist...I even checked the local Db files...and ders nothing like....test Db...

ERROR [main] (dataservices.JDBCService) - Connection Failed: Cannot open
database "test" requested by the login.
The login failed.
com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Cannot open database "assa" requested by the login.

Please Help guys............

Try this



13 years ago

It might be a simple copy paste error mate..

Just check it again ..

13 years ago
Hi Paul,

code seems to be a convoluted and hard-to-understand rewriting of

What I meant by this validation code is to check the null values coming from a dB..Sorry I read the question wrong..

But I think for other string values this guy can use my code.

How does equalsIgnoreCase("") work differently than equals("")?

I think for future reference for any kind of deep comparison ...equals may fail but equalsIgnoreCase wont ..

Please correct me if I am wrong

13 years ago

shaz baluch,

You can try validation for blank entries which looks something like the following before storing your values to the database for the values you receive.Than parse it to Integer and store it to the database.

and for wrong entries ... use if else blocks as per your conditions

I hope this works.....

13 years ago