Granny's Programming Pearls
"inside of every large program is a small program struggling to get out"

Krishna Chaitanya Reddy Balam

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since Feb 19, 2008
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Recent posts by Krishna Chaitanya Reddy Balam

What is the best way to display only fixed number of characters in a java string and have a "view more" button to display everything.
Please forward some links of help.
I am trying to use a scriplet is jsp and place it in a web application on TOmcat 6.

This is the error I got.

Nested exception is:javax.naming.NameNotFoundException
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name is not bound in this Context
at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
at org.apache.naming.SelectorContext.lookup(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
at com.vignette.util.HomeFactory.lookupAnyHome(
at com.vignette.util.HomeFactory.lookupHome(
at com.vignette.util.HomeFactory.getHome(

I tried the same code is an independent Java Class and it is executed perfectly.
"" is a class in one of the jar files I use.
PLease advice if I am missing something here.

Thank you,
Krishna Balam
I am trying to use a scriplet is jsp and place it in a web application on TOmcat 6.

This is the error I got.

Nested exception is:javax.naming.NameNotFoundException
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name is not bound in this Context
at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
at org.apache.naming.SelectorContext.lookup(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
at com.vignette.util.HomeFactory.lookupAnyHome(
at com.vignette.util.HomeFactory.lookupHome(
at com.vignette.util.HomeFactory.getHome(

I tried the same code is an independent Java Class and it is executed perfectly.
"" is a class in one of the jar files I use.
PLease advice if I am missing something here.

Thank you,
Krishna Balam
Hi All:
We are trying to create anchors to sections of same page and the back end system generates
<a >Books</a>, <a >Web Sites</a> and <a >Downloadable Guides</a></div>

the actual sections have <a >---</a>

<a >---</a>

<a >---</a>

Due to encoding done by browser the links doesnt work. Please suggest a solution.
Hello All:
Can you please suggest a technique to include progress bar in one of the surveys which have multiple pages.
Thank you,
We are using a struts application and an action class forwards the display, but I need to get the whole URL of the forward so that I can add an other step in between and then do a redirect to that forward. I have no access to the URL as it displays the action class name in the address field.
We are trying to send a request to other server and it needs to have a redirect response.
15 years ago
We are using a struts application and an action class forwards the display, but I need to get the whole URL of the forward so that I can add an other step in between and then do a redirect to that forward. I have no access to the URL as it displays the action class name in the address field.
We are trying to send a request to other server and it needs to have a redirect response.
15 years ago
these are the contents of log4j in webapps

log4j.rootLogger=INFO, R


# Keep one backup file

log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{ISO8601}][%p][%c] - %m%n
16 years ago
We had a unwanted shut down of tomcat 5.0.28 recently and nothing is ever traced in logs can some one suggest a way to increase the level of logging in this particular tomcat.
16 years ago
It is most likely that application might have been rejected if no notice is received by end of May.
I can give one tip to know it faster.
You can contact the person who gave the cheques for your application and inquire whether the amount has been deducted.
If it is deducted than, that is it you are selected.
16 years ago
I am trying to print a .png file into pdf and I want the same clarity inside the pdf.
I was trying to
png.scalePercent(72f / jpg.getDpiX() * 100);
but getDpiX() returns zero.
Is there any way to keep the images as it is in pdf rather than default dpi.
The images are large in number and I cannot do something like

Please provide me a mechanism where I can preserve the originality of any .png image on pdf.
16 years ago
I think this is the pattern for <b> tags
this is for general HTML tags

but if I write something like
String S4 = "I am <b>bold</b> and I am <i>italic</i> and I am <b><i>bold italic</i></b>"
Pattern htmlTag = Pattern.compile("<([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)\b[^>]*>.*?</\1>");
int length = s4.length();
Matcher matcher = pbold.matcher(s4);
String result =;

I need to get the output to String array

String[] sa;
and sa should contain {"I am", "bold", "and I am","italic","and I am","bold italic"}
I konow I can get this but after storing in string array I need to differentiate that sa[1] was between bold tags and sa[3] was in italic tags and sa[5] was in bold italic tags.

Is there any way to do this.
Right now I am parsing the string character by character and doing it bu tI need something more generic as it is difficult to have nested tags with character logic.
Please help
16 years ago
but will I be able to differentiate the string int between bold tags in the string array.
16 years ago
Hi all:
I am trying to split a string basing on some HTML tags inside it
String s = "I am <b> bold </b>";
I am want that to be converted to string array and I must be able to differentiate which element in the string array was inside the tags.
Is there any way to do it.
16 years ago