My JSP page used autocompleter that works fine. cities in below code of JSP is a hashmap.
The textbox shows key value of hashmap. What do i need to do in order to show value of the hashmap.
Please help.
but there does not exist any jar for struts-dogo plugin in 2.0.14. Can you please suggest if it will work by including dogo plugin jar of 2.1. I can not change my application to struts 2.0
Purpose - Result of the action redirected to HelloWorld.jsp.
Now in HelloWorld.jsp, I require a textbox with autocompleter functionality. I believe for that we require json String
I believe this can be done with
<action name="HelloWorld" class="example.HelloWorld">
<result type="json"><param name="root"></param></result>
But this way i can not specify which the next jsp. How to do that.
Please tell me where i am wrong. I am unable to get back values of testingMap in Json format in my Jsp. At first i am unable to get to my Jsp page. Please help me with theme ="ajax"
Please tell me where i am wrong. I am unable to get back values of testingMap in Json format in my Jsp. At first i am unable to get to my Jsp page. Please help me with theme ="ajax"
Answer: - Since the servletContext survives, getServletContext can be called successfully on an invalid session.
I am not so clear why? if an object is invalid and why getServletContext servives. Trying to access this should give null pinter exception or illegalStateException.
It is also important to note that the varReader scoped variable has nested visibility; it can only be accessed within the body content of <c:import>.
Not so clear of varReader. IS it same as var attribute. To my understanding var attribute is created at page scope and holds value of url attribute. We can print the value hold by var attribute ouside <c:import> tag in the page.
Can someone confirm my understanding and clear about varReader attribute