Glenn Puckett wrote:This is the very reason I am reluctant to have ANY links to external sites that my production level application requires. It's great until that company has a policy change or goes out of business. No, everything from jQuery to dtd's go on my own directories where I KNOW they will be there tomorrow and the next day and every day after that as long as my website is operational.
Jonathan Lewis wrote:Per the struts user group: Public files have been re-hosted here: (xwork dtds should be put up there soon....not yet though)
1. onMessage (with Required attribute) calls other bean (with required also) where other bean gets a system exception.
Result : Other bean is discarded, MDB Transaction is rolledback and same message will be redelivered to onMessage method again.
2. onMessage (with Not_supported attribute) calls other bean (with required ) where other bean gets a system exception.
Result : Other bean is discarded, what happens to MDB? What it throws? Is the message redelivered to it again or is it simply discarded?
3. onMessage itself throws a system exception.
Result : MDB is discarded, it throws this system exception to container.
4. onMessage itself throws ApplicationException???
Result : ???
5. i set context.setRollBackOnly explicitliy on onMessage method with required attribute.
Result : ???
Apurva Goyani wrote:
Hi Gladwin,
I agree to what you said, but just one question ponders me is that when two threads have access to two methods (1 static and other non-static respectively) simultaneously how it will access static field (val from StaticSynchronizedDemo), won't it will lead to violation of integrtiy?
However if you are using Java 5 or above, it will be wise to use Lock object instead.
.if thread acquires lock on one of the object instance of a given class will not prevent some other thread to acquire lock of a class-object instance
Integration tier services abstract and provide access to external resources.
Business tier services execute business logic and manage transactions.
raj sirohi wrote:Hi,
I confused about the interface needed for ejb 3.0 for clustering. my question is if I have three seperate application servers on three different machines ( each running ejb container and web containre in same jvm) then can i just use local interface for ejb for clustering.
any thought please!
A. The message-driven bean does not perform an insert, the application does not perform an insert.
B. The message-driven bean performs an insert, the application performs an insert.
C. The message-driven bean does not perform an insert, the application performs an insert.
D. The message-driven bean performs an insert, the application does not.
"Which statement cannot be a valid outcome of this transaction"