Laloo Yadav

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since Jul 11, 2001
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Recent posts by Laloo Yadav

Why did you require to add 'h' to Santosh
23 years ago
Sorry Arpit Singla
23 years ago
Thanks a lot Anoop for your detailed. Infact Arpeeta has written my exact requirement more clearly.
23 years ago
I installed the trial version of the Websphere 3.5.
I don't see any driver installed for me to connect to the database. Where should I get one.
23 years ago
Thanks for replying Anoop, but my question is not to output XML data but to insert the XML data. Infact my requirement is that my JSP's are to be accessed by a Siebel System. . The Siebel System imports and exports XML data. So I had a design in my mind. That we'll use the JSP gui using XML XSL. So tough it would look like HTML fromt end but actually it would be XML. Can we do that ?
23 years ago
my requirement is to process XML data in a JSP, basically the fields in the JSP has to be XML fields is it possible, I mean can I imagine XML same as HTML or do I need to use XSL etc. for the XML data to look same as HTML
I have a typical question. I need XLM data only to be processed in my JSP. I mean the fields in my JSP should be fed with XML data can anybody suggest me. Should I use XSL to display the GUI of the JSP which would convert the data to XML, or tell me some other design, I�m new to XML, XSL or JSP
23 years ago
Sorry, if I confused you. My question is all the elements which the JSP contains needs to be a been, with get and set method. Say for example if there's a text field of type string in my JSP does it need to be bean and can I only modify this text field by using get and set methods.
23 years ago
Does all the components in a JSP , I mean the fields , buttons etc have to Beans with Get and Set methods

23 years ago
Why do you have Ds in place of Ts in your name
23 years ago
Can somebody help me with this in my project the client has to send XML which is to be fed to a servlet and the servlet will talk to the JSPs now for example I have a JSP which has user info fields. In this case what would my .HTML and .XML files contain. I can only imagine about my JSP page
23 years ago