I got this resolved. For those of you interested, this is what happened..Its so strange but this has happened just now...
I first had my lis.ear in C:\QW\ear&war folder, tried install in wl 10.0, gave me this error and I kinda guessed may be "The reference to entity "war" must end with the ';' delimiter" is looking at the folder name "ear&war" and taking that and expecting something in there, thats why its giving me that error. So I put my lis.ear in C:\QW, got rid of the "ear&war" folder and also tried having my lis.ear in C:\QW\ear_war, worked perfectly fine. I dont know exactly whats happening inside....if someone could throw some light on this..
Thanks for reading...
Error opening /jsp/app/install/Identity.jsp.
The source of this error is javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils.WrappedRuntimeException: The reference to entity "war" must end with the ';' delimiter. at weblogic.servlet.jsp.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(PageContextImpl.java:420) at jsp_servlet._jsp._app._install.__identity._jspService(__identity.java:163) at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(JspBase.java:34) at
and I kinda guessed may be