f. nikita thomas

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since Mar 02, 2008
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Recent posts by f. nikita thomas

thanks, i already went to that site and had some difficult at first until i read the java api on the URI class. i have a working program, however it's proprietary in its implementation<in other words not for me...>. once i understand saxon a little better, i'll post what i've learned with relevant comments. i have to get to work and school so ...
basically i have (2) files generated from a transformation and would like to run another transformation with them before they are written. i have made little headway with this so i have some general questions if anyone could answer:

1) if i'm not mistaken, the class automatically finds any xsl:result-document elements and does(?) ...

2) should i be using the static method StandardOutputResolver.resolve() for anything?

3) does anyone have an example of using the class correctly, because i've googled myself silly and there is nothing...

thanks in advance

Have you not been given a database already set up?

nope. i am forced to use the set up that my tutee's instructor has given them<no database, write schema?,code java>. the following is directly from their assignment :

this essentially setups a one to many relationship(member to # of book(s))... i think, and this is where i'm getting frustrated. the last clue that he gave them is :

For the java classes there are two interesting relationships between objects that I want to see if you understand. One is the relationship between a library member and the books that member has checked out. The other is the relationship between a book and it's book classification.

i wouldn't mind this so much if i had already taken sql and these weren't cobol programmers for the state . so again, how do i approach the instance of a member with multiple books? does it have something to do with the foreign key? should the Books field in member be a foreign key? btw, considering my knowledge of sql(none), i'm surprised that i've gotten this far in so short a time.
i haven't taken sql yet and i'm having some trouble getting some concepts straight. i have a tables with foreign keys that emulate a library(book, member,book classification). i can populate the database fairly easy; my problem is this- what if a member has more than one book? is there a query that allows this since the bookID is a foreign key in the member table? should (or can i) insert the bookID(s)-plural- into the member table at creation time? lastly and most importantly can a record hold more than one foreign key in the same field? i wouldn't ask but all the sources i've read by googling do not go in depth in theory. the following code works; it is here to provide the database structure. any help, especially with the concept questions will be greatly appreciated.

THANKS mike && varun. that was the solution(s) i needed. i read in another forum that this is the correct behavior as of 1.6. now i can handle it from here. thanks again && take care.

ps. nice use of the ActionListener(), mike
15 years ago
i added the following; still exhibits the same behavior. also setSelectedIndex() will not work for first item as well. any ideas?

15 years ago
i'm having a problem with getting the first item in the JComboBox() being selected. i have to select another item before i'm able to select the first item and trigger it. i'm using 1.6 :

i never used JComboBox() before, so any help would be appreciated. thanks in advance.

15 years ago
and thank you Campbell. i've been looking for something akin to this article for awhile. googling gives such " ",<insert expletive>,results that knowing what is true or correct leaves you at best concerned and at worst implementing bad practices. i'm reading the article now and it's by far the most comprehensible i've seen. again, thank you. take care.
15 years ago

yes this is 'not' my code, this is someone i am helping. i really need to take him to the woodshed on his coding style and logic. thanks again. take care.
15 years ago
the problem is in panel1 the JCheckBox's are not visible. i "think" its a Layout issue...
15 years ago
hate to bother you again, but this is someone else's code and i haven't done this in awhile. the JCheckbox's in the first group are missing. thanks in advance.

15 years ago
thanks Rob. how do i override hashCode() correctly?
15 years ago

silly me, that wasn't the talking end...
15 years ago
i'm trying to check the Reference class for equality...

but when i check...

i get this...

shouldn't r0.equals(s) return false? what is the correct way to check for reference equality in a class? any help will be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.
15 years ago

Steve Luke wrote:

You are swapping the inner and outer value un-conditionally. So you are effectively shuffling the numbers but are not sorting them. I assume you want to only swap the values if the condition is met. I am also not convinced you are comparing the correct values (inner with minimum then resetting minimum). I think you can drop the use of minimum all together...

Umm, okay the "><" was a copy paste botch, this is illegal in java, try it. it should only be : "<" since compareTo() returns less than 0 if the Strings are not equal. this code is adapted from Robert LaFore. so if you have another algorithm that works with Strings i'd be more than glad to use it ... i already had to edit the previous post so hopefully this will go through okay.
15 years ago