I am trying to convert the following code (1) to (2) so that it will use displayTag for presentation.
The logic:match tag inside the displayTag keeps complaining that it cannot find the property in the bean.
The code(1) works. and code(2) works without logic:match tag. I need to use logic:match tag to compare the values and form
(or not form) the links for the account. Does logic:match work with displayTag or am I missing anything in my code?
Please help!
efine id="acctlist" name="<%=InvestAction.getINVEST_ACCT_KEY()%>" scope="session" />
<logic:iterate id="acct" name="acctlist">
<tr class="even">
<logic:notMatch name="acct" property="gts" value="Y">
<html:link href="ActDetail.do" paramId="acct" paramName="acct" paramProperty="acctNum">
<bean:write name="acct" property="acctNum" />
<logic:match name="acct" property="gts" value="Y">
<bean:write name="acct" property="acctNum" />
<tr class="odd"><td colspan=3></tr>
<display:table id="failed"
name="sessionScope.INVEST_ACCT_KEY" pagesize="15" sort="list" export="true">
<logic:notMatch name="InvestAction.getINVEST_ACCT_KEY()" property="gts" value="Y">
<display:column property="acctNum" title="Acct" sortable="true" headerClass="sortable"
href='<%=InvestAction.getUrlRoot() + "ActDetail.do"%>'
paramProperty="acctNum" paramId="acct"/>
<logic:match name="InvestAction.getINVEST_ACCT_KEY()" property="gts" value="Y">
<display:column property="acctNum" title="Acct"
sortable="true" headerClass="sortable" />
<display:setProperty name="sort.behavior" value="list"/>
<display:setProperty name="paging.banner.include_first_last" value="true"/>
[ July 27, 2004: Message edited by: Beksy Kurian ]