Sorry for not posting the complete details.
Issue is more as mentioned in below IBM notes
I wanted to pass list of objects to my stored procedure through Springs. Hence, I implemented ArrayDescriptor from oracle package. Now, on running my code on WAS server, server throws below error. I have set up the datasource in WAS admin console and looks like WAS wraps the connection object as WSJdbcConnection, which is not compatible with OracleConnection which ArrayDescriptor requires.
I tried normal typecasting from WSJdbcConnection to OracleConnection and this is not working. My requirement is to run the code on both Tomcat and WAS server.
With that said, after some research on google I found that spring framework provides native jdbc classes and hence I used CommonDbcpNativeJdbcExtractor for Tomcat and WebSphereNativeJdbcExtractor for WAS as below
Please let me know if this is the right approach or am I going on wrong direction.