deepa sabbani

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since Apr 11, 2008
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Recent posts by deepa sabbani

I got the answer.
I found some demos for the creation and executon of RMI application

There are 4 files in my program

I have downloaded RMI plugin and configured into eclipse,am able to view the RMI options like...Run as RMI application...

but i dont know how to create an RMI project in eclipse.

I tried File->new-->java project.,but its not giving the option(RMI VM properties) to set codebase property.

Please explain me how to create a simple RMI program in eclipse with steps or provide any link where i can see these steps.

can we achieve through composition
16 years ago
how to achieve inheritance functionality with out using extends or implements keyword?
16 years ago
Hi everyone,

i am preparing for SCJP.

System.out.println(Math.min(-0.0, +0.0)); -----> -0.0
System.out.println(Math.max(0.0, +0.0)); -------> 0.0
i understood above 2 statements

but i have doubt in 3rd statement

System.out.println(Math.min(-0.0, +0.0)==Math.max(0.0, +0.0)); -----> true.

why 3rd statment printing true value?
Math.min(-0.0, +0.0) = -0.0
Math.max(0.0, +0.0)=0.0

how -0.0 and 0.0 are equal?

one more doubt

Double.NaN == Double.NaN -----> false.

why this condition is false?

we can compare variables with doubleequals(==)operator.

Thank U
how to print the statements in jsp with out <c:out> ,<%= > expression tag and out.println

is there any other way?
16 years ago
i am new to swings. i have one doubt

we have one dialog box, in that dialog, there is one Check Box, Ok and Cancel buttons.
suppose user selected checkbox and click ok button, when user opens again that dialog box, the check box should be as selected.

can anyone give idea, how to implment this.

i know we can do this by using setSelected(true) and setSelected(false) methods.

but how to save the state of the check box.
16 years ago