Rinku Singh

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since Apr 17, 2008
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Recent posts by Rinku Singh

Thank for the reply.But I already saw the post and I do not have CID .
Could any one share the exe with me
15 years ago
I need to Weblogic 8.1 and I have looked everywhere was not able to get it.
I would appreciate if any one can help me please.....
15 years ago
I read it in Whizlabs that attributes can not have minOccurence and maxOccurenece constraints ??

But in the XMML for dummies by Richard they say xsd:sttrbute can have minOccurence and maxOccurenece constraints .

I am looking if someone can explain
Prabhu .
Please let me know what do you think ?
Hello Prabhu ,
Here is what i think are reasons:

INCORRECT: <definitions name="StockQuote" targetNamespace="http://example.com/stockquote/definitions" xmlns:xsd1="http://example.com/stockquote/schemas" ... xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"> <import namespace="http://example.com/stockquote/schemas" location="http://example.com/stockquote/stockquote.xsd"/> <message name="GetLastTradePriceInput"> <part name="body" element="xsd1:TradePriceRequest"/> </message> ...</definitions>

Reason: The above code fragement is incorrect because of :
R2003 -> The xsd import statement here should be under types and not under definition tag of wsdl.

CORRECT: <definitions name="StockQuote" targetNamespace="http://example.com/stockquote/definitions" ... xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"> <import namespace="http://example.com/stockquote/definitions" location="http://example.com/stockquote/stockquote.wsdl"/> <message name="GetLastTradePriceInput"> <part name="body" element="..."/> </message> ... </definitions>

Reason:The above code fragement is correct because of code:
R2001 -> The use of import in definition is to import another wsdl.

CORRECT: <definitions name="StockQuote" targetNamespace="http://example.com/stockquote/" xmlns:xsd1="http://example.com/stockquote/schemas" ... xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"> <import namespace="http://example.com/stockquote/definitions" location="http://example.com/stockquote/stockquote.wsdl"/> <message name="GetLastTradePriceInput"> <part name="body" element="xsd1:TradePriceRequest"/> </message> ...</definitions>

Reason: The above code fragement is correct .Even thought it is using indirect schema specified by namespace xsd1.It is legal.

I think I got the solution :Just want to share with everyone:

A. In CASE of XML Encryption:

1)Sender uses public key of the reciever to encrypt the message.
2)Reciever uses corresponding private key to decrypt the message.In this situation private key is not transferred as the reciever owns the private key.

B. In CASE of XML Signature:

1)Sender uses its own private key to digitally sign the message to be sent.
2) The receiver uses sender's public key to verify the digital Signature.

A very good explanation is giving here :
Thanks Amit Ji,

Are you saying that :

Q.XML Digital Signature specification is used to:Include a signature using the senders private key in the XML

is wrong ??
Thanks a lot Lee ..
Just to be on same page ... we are saying Amit was right and that's what is there in Question 12& 13 :

In words:

Sender will send a message (encrypted using public key) , it will also send its private key in Signature to reciever .

Receiver on the other hand will decrypt the message using the sender's private key ..

Please confirm ..
Thanks Amit for responding ..

But I am more confused now ... it may be because I did not understand what you mentioned .Are you stating that :

In PKI ...documents are encrypted with a public key and decrypted using a private key .

I went through the links but may be I am stupid ...
Thanks for clearing my confusion !!
I will go with it ...
Come on guys its just a simple question .Please help me out ??
[PKI refers to a set of security services for authentication, encryption and digital certificate management under which documents are
encrypted with a private key and decrypted using a publicly available key accessible to the recipient via a network.

I have read somewhere that documents are encrypted using public key and decrypted using private key ??

I am looking if somebody clear the clouds .......thanks in advance ....