erik weibust

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since Jul 17, 2001
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Recent posts by erik weibust

i have a question. what is the difference in getting the jsp/servlet api's from sun vs getting them with tomcat? aren't they the exact api's?
23 years ago
why does tomcat care if the request is for a servlet? and isn't it obvious becasue if the requestor wanted a jsp his request would end in *.jsp???
23 years ago
i have a simple HelloWorld servlet in C:\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes and html calling it in C:\tomcat\webapps\ROOT. why do i have to use ../servlet to call it in my form tag like this: <FORM METHOD="GET" ACTION="../servlet/HelloWorld"> when it's not in a servlet directory?
thanks for helping clear this up,
23 years ago