Karthikeyan Ramaswamy

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since Apr 30, 2008
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Recent posts by Karthikeyan Ramaswamy

Please help me to find the usage of IFX_LOCK_MODE=3 in jdbc informix connection url.

9 years ago
Hi all,

i have a doubt, In below class

class employeeVO {

private String name;

public void setName(String name)

public String getName()
return name;


We are using POJO class like this, but why we are keeping variable scope as private,
In setter & getter we are not doing anything, then we can keep variable as public & directly access like
below right.

employee empObj = new employee();
empObj.name = "Test"
String name = empObj.name

what is the intention behind to keep variable scope as private ?

13 years ago

Is it possible to set zoom size to 100% using itext?

14 years ago

Is it possible to get client IP Address using JavaScript?

thank you,
hi all,

what is the main advantage of using wrapper classes?

and when should we use wrapper class?

thank you
14 years ago

Is it possible to convert PDF File to jrxml File?

I'm new to jasper reports,..i have 5 static pages available in PDF, is it possible to convert to jrxml file?

please advise,

try this ...............

//myByte is my byte array

java.sql.Blob blob=null;
blob.setBytes(1, myByte );


other than MVC design pattern, any other advanced design pattern is available.

anybody has suggestion please post it.

16 years ago

you can increase session time-out in 2 way,

1.Use setMaxInactiveInterval(int interval) method of the HttpSession.

2.Use web.xml, <session-timeout>20</session-timeout> Tag

setMaxInactiveInterval() takes in seconds.

web.xml effects whole web application (takes in mintutes).
16 years ago

make sure LoginAction.class file in under folder directory

WEB-INF -> com -> nit -> struts -> LoginAction.class

16 years ago
hi Jeanne , thank you for above post

i referred above link,

select *
from table
where rownum between 1 and 5;

it's working, but i need query like below

select *
from table
where rownum between 2 and 5;

it's not working.

could help me to make that query without using Top-N & Inner Query

[ June 04, 2008: Message edited by: Karthikeyan Ramaswamy ]
16 years ago

i thought reusablity is main factor,

write one jsp page as footer.jsp, include in all jsp pages.

16 years ago
hi, lets try this

StackTraceElement[] st = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
int lineNumber = st[st.length-1].getLineNumber();
System.out.println("lineNumber "+lineNumber);

16 years ago
if still you feel bad, about this.

refer Professional EJB.


Head First EJB

It's not only for beginners ,it would satisfy (intermediate,advanced) also,
Book is main concentrate on exam point of view.
i feel it's best book.
