Ratan Kumar Yadav

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since May 02, 2008
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Recent posts by Ratan Kumar Yadav


Thanks for the precise explantion
Even I am facing the same issue as Micheal...

Installed JAMES ,added a user to it say ratan@localhost
but I am not able to send mails to gmail account.

A step by step approach will be helpful...
11 years ago
We can use navigational Containers like:- Tabnavigator,Viewstack,Tabbar etc
12 years ago
String str="Hello"
String str= new String ("Hello")

The JVM sets aside a memory area on the heap to deal with string objects known as "String constant pool".Everytime the string object is created it looks for its occurence in the pool
if it not there it forms and new string and assigns the refernce to that.(for more information read Kathy Sierra)

Now the thing is if you want two or more refernces of the same string simply use the 1st annotation.
The second method creates a new object whether or not it is present in the pool.

It depends on your need which method you want to use..
12 years ago
Can Somebody help regarding hashCode() method of Object class.What is its importance?
13 years ago
We can also use the legacy class StringTokenizer from java.util package to tokenize String.

import java.util.*;
class StringToken
public static void main(String args[])
String str="pradipta rout |kumar rout|rout rout";
StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(str,"|");

This is just an another way to split your string based on delimiters.
Keep Learning
13 years ago

It would be better if you create separate event for each of your operations like create,delete,updare etc.
Make sure you map your events in FrontController ,i.e your UIController and write a command class
which will implement ICommand interface.

Once the Event is Dispatched,it vl come wover to command class "execute" method and den you can decide here which operation need to Perform.

Hope I made things simpler....
13 years ago