Guoqiao Sun

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Recent posts by Guoqiao Sun

Hi, Ron:
Thank you very much! I think I got very helpful hint from your words.
Thanks again and have a nice day there!!!

Originally posted by Ron Newman:
You'll need to precisely define the format of that string, and then use the substring(), substring-before(), substring-after(), translate(), string-length(), and/or contains() functions to extract the numeric information from it.
[ November 12, 2002: Message edited by: Ron Newman ]

Hi, Ron:
Thank you very much for your reply!!! I think your method works to my above example. Can I further ask another question, is it possible if the value is not merely number, like the following:
To select from:
to get the following:
using 4a as the criteria?
Thanks again for your reply!
Dear all:
Is it possible to select a range of node using XSLT, for example, for the following XML:
How to select all scan element with text value less than 4. In other word, I want to select
by knowing incoming parameter value as 4.
Any help, thanks in advance.
Hi, Val:
If you like, you can have a look at my Mock Exam Engine, it is a general purposed mock exam engine. Now it only contains exam data for SCJP2, but can be configured for other mock exam.

Originally posted by Val Pecaoco:
Hi Ashish,
Thanks! VoodooExam is cool! Looks like you have done a heckuva of a job there! Way to go, mate!

Hi Marcus,
Thanks! Email you I will!

Ex Animo Java!
-- Val

Congratulations to your excellent score, Viren!

Originally posted by Viren Pathak:
Hi Ranchers,
I have cleared one of the milestone ,SCJP2 securing 93%.
I am thankful to Java Ranch and other web resouces for SCJP2.
According to me , you will get updated resources at . and Best mock exams ( similar to real exam ) is JQ Plus.
Now i am planning for SCWCD in next month.
Viren Pathak

22 years ago
Nice article, Valentin , thanks for sharing with us!

Originally posted by Valentin Crettaz:
Read this short article:
10 reasons to get certified

Nicely done of your work! url has been updated for your latest mock exam on my mock exam list, see at:
Keep it up!
Yes, Dan Chisholm, I have noticed that and just wondering what to do with it and saw your this reply.
I will modify the URL immediately in my mock exam list.

Originally posted by Dan Chisholm:
Thank you for creating a link to my mock exam. However, I noticed that you linked directly to the June 28 revision rather than the home page. Since the lifetime of each revision is very short, that link will die very soon.
The home page is really the only stable URL so it is the only safe place to link to. For example, the homepage no longer includes the June 28 link and I will probably remove the files from the geocities server before long.
Thank you,

Congratulations, Dongqing!

Originally posted by Dongqing Wu:
I passed the scwcd with 93%,the score suprised me a little. I met too many problems about "tag". Very thanks to this forum, Very thanks to all the person for this forum.

Thank you, Alx, I am going to prepare for the exam and will use your guide.
Thank you very much for your work!
Dear Nart Seine:
You may want to try my mock exam at : .
Good luck!

Originally posted by Nart Seine:
I got 62.7% on Valentin's exam... now that was tough!!! its even hard to finish in 2 hours!!! Is this much harder than the real exam?

Hi,Deepali Pate:
Yes, I created the mock exam at the site , have you taken them before?
Thank you for your encourgement! Do visit my web site again later time!
Good luck!

Originally posted by Deepali Pate:
Hi Guoqiao Sun,
Are u the one who has created the mocks on the If yes then good job. The Mocks are good.

Hehe, I didn't read it before taking the exam at that time.
Good luck!

Originally posted by Larry Lecomte:
I'm almost ready the take the exam and I'd like
to know if it is necessary to go through the JLS before. Many don't even mention this when they suggest how to prepare for the exam.
Thank you for your input.

Dear srinath :
Can you please say something more about

The latest application servers like wlserver,websphere, HP AS dont require for deploying again and again as they all use dynamic deployment.

Since I really don't understand how the app server can know the updated EJB without redeploying them!
Dear Karl:
Thank you so much for your reply! I got better idea of what I should do now!
Thanks again!

Originally posted by Karl Laird:
The major upgrade hassle will probably be in the setting up of the abstract schema. There are tools out there that help with the mappings of abstract schema to physical schema, but most of these leave the two looking pretty similar often defeating alot of the advantages.
Yes your custom finders will all need to be re-written - but the EJBql is fairly similar to SQL in many respects so as long as you werent using too many sophisticated SQL functions the changes will be mostly template and easy to make