Janardan Kelkar

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Recent posts by Janardan Kelkar

Yes i did. And then i also tried using it alongwith @MTOM.
I am not getting any error anywhere, the client and the service run successfully. However, the files that are received by the server (from the client) and the client (from the server) are empty.
Here's the flow:
1) Client sends file to the service.
2) The service receives the file and writes it to disk.
3) The service then returns the same file (the same javax.activation.DataHandler object) back to the client.
4) The client writes the file back to disk.

After running the client, when i see the two files written by the server and the client, i see the files created on the disk but the size is 0.

When i disable MTOM just on the client, the file is reaching the server, because the file written by it is then of the correct size, however, the file written by the client is 0.
When i disable MTOM both on the client and the server, both files are getting created with the correct size.

I am running the server on windows 7 64bit.
10 years ago
I have a service that accepts and returns binary data. The client sends a file to the service and the service in turn, returns the same file back to the client. I have annotated the service implementation class with @MTOM, and i see that MTOM is enabled when i deploy the service to the server (in the server's logs). However, when i test the same with my client (with MTOM enabled) the file is not going through. When i invoke the service without MTOM enabled in the client, the file is reaching the server, but the client is unable to receive the file from the server.
When i disable MTOM in the service and redeploy the same, i am able to see the file go through to the server and receive the same @the client (with MTOM disabled). I dont see any logs on the server when i invoke with an MTOM enabled client. Any suggestions about what i could be doing wrong ?

Enabling MTOM in server:

Enabling MTOM in client:

I am using JBoss AS 7 for my server.

10 years ago
I have seen there to be two different ways of writing webservice clients in java:


Method#1 works even when the 'port name' element in the WSDL changes (the binding remains the same though). However, the second methods does not run when the 'port name' element changes in the WSDL it tries to hit. This is the difference in the behaviour that i see. I need to understand the functioning of the Method#1, as in, what exactly is happening when i am invoking a service in that way.

Not sure if its relevant, but i have generated the client artifacts using the wsconsume utility of JBoss EAP 6.

11 years ago
Store your Coaches in a Map, and your Atheletes in a Set.
Something like this:

The space complexity of this is worse than using two lists, as effecively, you would be storing the athletes twice. However, given that this is an operation that would be executed in realtime, by a user, through a UI , the time savings over nested lists iterations would be good. I had faced a similar issue a few years ago, and i had implemented the scenario as above. I would use TreeMaps for coaches and HashSet for athletes.

11 years ago
I have developed a web service , with a JMS endpoint, developed as per this article:

This works fine, using a standalone java program as my client.
Now, i want to understand how this design can be used to develop asyncronous web services, assuming that all clients are indeed java based.
Currently, the WS works the same as an http WS, as far synchronous/asynchronous nature is concerned.
What do i need to do, to let the client send the SOAP message to the JMS queue, and resume its work, and not wait for the WS to send back the reply?

11 years ago
I am using JBoss EAP 5.1.0 in my organization, using the native JBossWS stack. Does this stack support JMS endpoints in webservices, that i can use to develop SOAP over JMS services ?
I have been all over the net, and from that, i gather, that i would require the CXF stack for this development. If not, is there any article i can read to get an understanding of this in the native stack ?

11 years ago

I am trying to create WS consumers in java using CXF. However, the webservice provide is a weblogic server, and the wsdl that has been provided uses the 'openuri' transport. I am able to establish a connection to the JMS queue, but only after modifying the original wsdl to use the 'cxf' transport and adding the JNDI tags to the wsdl as well, according to a CXF tutorial i found online.
If i try to run my standalone java client, using the original wsdl, i get the following exception:

I am beginning to doubt if the CXF client can be made compatible with the weblogic provider.

Any suggestions ?

11 years ago
I have developed a web service that provides four operations for insert/update/select/delete of a customer object from/into a local mysql database. I have created the following files in eclipse:
1) A customer class to represent a customer (contains only private fields and their getters and setters)
2) A web service annotated class that provides the four operations.

I have packaged these files into a WAR and deployed to JBoss. The webservice works, as i have created clients in java and another middleware tool as well.
Now, the WSDL that is generated for the above service, contains inline definition of the customer (complexType). I want to know if i can separate out the customer definition into an XML schema file. I want to be able to do this in such a way that the WSDL generated, automatically references the external schema. I am not sure how to go about doing this.

Has it got anything to do with the Binding annotation in the webservice class ?

Any suggestions ?

12 years ago
Is there a place in Mumbai from where i can buy prometric vouchers for the SOA Exam S90.01 ?

I am unable to contact the NIIT test center.

I am using ajax4jsf-1.1.1....thats the latest one!
14 years ago
Hi Bhuvnesh,

I used that tag and it is working...but am still having another problem. The page renders fine (in IE7 Mode), when i go to that page through commandlinks, but if i try to rerender specific jsf components using a4j:support, the rerendering appers to be not happening in compatibility mode i.e. , when i fire any a4j event, the page again appers incorrectly (in ie8 mode)..
Please help!

14 years ago
Hi All,

I am using ajax4jsf 1.1.1 and myfaces in my project. The screens were working fine in IE6, but now i need to upgrade to ie8. In IE8, i am getting javascript errors, when using a4j.

When i change the value, i get a blank page with the following javascript error saying 'permission denied'

What should i do? Any Suggestions?

14 years ago
Hi Tim,

I Tried using two properties in the backing bean and bind them to the the two selectOneMenus, but it still did not work. Here's what i did in detail:
1. Declare two variables in the backing bean.
2.Have a method in the bean that is common to both the selectOneMenus and is invoked onchange.
3.Ensured that the two variables are set to the new value selected by the user.

Inspite of this i am facing the same issue!! So Finally did it the javascript way...As you mentioned, this is not foolproof, so would prefer a method that does this thing in the backend, any workarounds?

14 years ago