gemini kenny

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since May 05, 2008
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Recent posts by gemini kenny

I have done it only for 'Origin' and 'Destination' fields and was wondering whether we should do it for other fields as well. But I don't understand why we need to do it for other fields anyway....
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Look at the file if u have downloaded the assignment...
My conversion tool is also similar to the above but only thing it doesn't sound very generic(esp. getting field names and lengths).
How do we make it more generic
i) by not passing too many parameters and
ii) satisfy the condition that "the conversion tool should be working for projects in future?"
I am just very curious about one thing in the Data class constructor - why does the writing of the 'MAGIC' number come at the end? I thought 'MAGIC' number should be the first thing in a file to indicate it is an executable or binary file. Please correct me if I am wrong.
How long does it take to do the conversion tool? Have u done it by means of a GUI? How do we check that we have done it correctly or not?