Sarath Koiloth Ramath

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since May 07, 2008
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Recent posts by Sarath Koiloth Ramath

Sorry for the confusion.But I want to add an hashmap object to the applicationContext at runtime.Also if we update the the hashmap.It has to be reflected in the appicationContext as well...
14 years ago
My requirement is like that,I had to add some objects to application context at runtime.
14 years ago
thanks for the reply.Then to add the hash map to the spring application context programatically. can you please help me on this...
14 years ago
Hi Friends,

I need to add a hash map object programatically to spring application context object.I am a newbie to Spring frame work. For every request I need to compare the key-value pair.if the key is not found i need to update the hashmap with new key-value and then again store it back to applicationContext .Can anyone please help me to solve this.


14 years ago
Hi Anbarasu,

Thanks for the quick reply.Sorry i am not into tomcat side.can you please tell me how to change the application context to myapplicationname.

Sarath K Ramath
14 years ago
Hi Friends,

Can any one tell me, How should i change my Url of my application from http://localhost:8080/index.html to http://localhost:8080/myapplicationname. I am using tomcat 5.5.

Thanks in Advance
14 years ago
Hi all,

I am conneting flex with Java using blazeDs.I am using spring framework.Can any one suggest how to maintain session in blazeDs.

I am using flexSession.getId() to get the current session Id.I implemented FlexSessionListener interface so that i can use the two methods sessionCreated and sessionDestroyed methods to clean and create certain resources. But I found it is session is maintained browser base.when the browser is closed ,the session is maintained..Even if I open from mozilla and explorer from same computer.I am having different session Id. Can any one suggest how to tackle this situation.

Thanks in Advance
14 years ago
Hi friends,

I have 3 clients which is updating my database,these three cleints is changing the data in the database at the same time.i want to to solve make the updation one by one with out using the thread mechanism(like synchronization ).

can anyone help me to solve this issue
I aswered llike that.but they were not happy with that...I dont know why ..?Any way thanks for the replies....
15 years ago
thanks for the replies ..
15 years ago
Hi Friends,

How session is handled in jsp ? A interviewer asked me this question.What exactly he meant by this question?
I answered as session is implicit object ,So it will automatically avaliable.or if we make will not participate in the session.Does i made any sense.

Thanks in advance
15 years ago
How to do connection pooling in hibernate.I am starter in Hibernate.
Hi friends,

I am a newbie in weblogic.I am using weblogic10.I got a problem while inserting a message to a queue.I am attaching the code and the error message below.please help me to solve this problem

Error Message
15 years ago
Thats right. We need to raise this point to sun consortium