Hannah Redmond

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since Jul 18, 2001
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Recent posts by Hannah Redmond

Hi there,
im kind of new to jsps, although i have done a lot of java programming before.
Basically, whenever i try to run a jsp which requires an import ( <% import java.io.* %> ),
it wont, and displays the compilation errors where it says 'no match for toString (for example)
I tried a couple of the examples that came with the book, and they wont work either, unless they dont require any imports.
The only thing i cant think of is that it needs to be actually on line when i run them (which i cant be, as I have no internet connection) OR, the classpaths are set up incorrectly.
If you can confirm that either of these suggestions might be the cause, or if its a completely different reason, id be grateful!!
22 years ago
Hi there,
Ive just had to reinstall my computer, I had j2ee set up before, and working, so i was programing a couple of servlets.
I went back to try again today, and so I installed the jdk1.3.1 and j2ee 1.3 and now it wont compile. i think my autoexec.bat is ok, as i copied it from before my computer crashed (ie i have the path, J2ee_home and jave_home all sorted.
CAn anyone shed any light on why this isnt being recognised? I remember last time copying the j2ee.jar file somewhere but i dont know if that was for the server?�?!?
Thanks for your help,
22 years ago
mm, right
i cant seem to get the
to work in my autoexec.bat...
just says bad file name and ignores it.

22 years ago
Thanks guys,
ive downloaded the tomcat program and have it installed, so im just trying to set up all the environments, but i thought id let you know that i have win98, i read somewhere that i might have problems..?
I have to say, i havent had any yet, but then i havent really tried it.
Im sure ill have more q's but thanks for the replies, its much appreciated.
22 years ago
I in a right pickle here. So I hope some one can help me out.
Basically, I want to learn servlets and jsp's as Ive been doing java for a bit now, and want to see what else it can do.
Soooo....i downloaded the j2ee from the sun site, and installed that. And read a bit more and it said i needed a server to run servlets and jsp's - makes sense so far. But, where to go from there? Theres all this stuff about setting the j2ee_home and java_home? I dont understand where. The jarkarta ant server that i downloaded, also has this ant_home thing, where i guess i have to state where it is, but do i have to put all this in the autoexec.bat? or is there somewhere else.
Also, i read something somewhere about an JSDK (java servlet development kit) has this been updated by the j2ee? ie is it the same. As my book says i have to more a servlet.jar file into my jre/lib/ext folder and I dont have a servlet.jar file
If anyone could shed any light on what i should do, i would be more that grateful. I look forward to hearing from you all!
22 years ago
Hi there,
Just wondering if anyone could tell me simply if its possible to initiated a .pdf file using java.
Basically, i want a user to be able to double click on a file and the pdf to open in such a way that they can only view it and have no idea what the file is (as all the file details will be hidden in the java class)
I know about jar files, and was hoping that i could write a reasonably short java program that could be double clicked and open up a pdf file.
Alternatively, is there a way java can be used to 'install' files into a computer from a cdrom?
Thanks for youre help.
23 years ago
yeah, sorry, I think thats because its not really that clear in my mind. I think what i was trying to ask was how do I convert my program (which uses datagramSockets) into one that uses a serverSockets. I get the impression that I need to do this in order to allow more than one client to share the server, so that all clients can view the messages submitted to the server.
With my program using datagramSockets, I send and receive packets using datagramPacket.recieve(recievePacket) and datagramPacket.send(sendPacket)
now, I cant use those with the serverSocket, so how do I send and recieve all the messages?
eak...Is that any clearer? It doesnt seem so...well, heres hoping!
Thanks for your time.
Hi, I also have this problem. My socket is a DatagramSocket...so, if I change this to a ServerSocket (which i understand I can specify how many uses can use (?), then I can open up two clients and one server, and typing a message on one client will get passed through the server and then get displayed on both clients...?
Im very confused. Does anyone have a code that I could look at? There doesnt seem to be very much in the way of examples on the web, well, not that ive found. They all seem to be applets and Im writing mine in an application....