Shailendra Suryawanshi

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since May 13, 2008
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Recent posts by Shailendra Suryawanshi

Has anyone tried or implemented a solution that would validate incoming request using schema types defined in a WSDL doc ?

For e.g. Let's assume following method is exposed as a service and takes in a "partNumber" as an input string. Its simple type is defined with restriction.
public org.w3c.dom.Element getPartDetails(String partNumber);

Would proxy or server-side skeleton make sure that partNumber string can be of max 20 char and it can have one of two values specified ?

I wish to validate incoming SOAP request using XSD. or is there any alternate available?
15 years ago

Is it possible to call a method in the .class java instead of using applet?

I mean I want to call a Java class (not applet) from Javascript.
How can a parameterized function in one .js file be called from another .js file?
It's not a web application.

I've a BPM studio which has the ability to call Java classes.

Now I wish to invoke javascript from this Java class, which now I guess is not possible.

Please comment.
16 years ago
My expectation is to call a javascript function in a .js file from a normal Java class file.

I don't want to call it from jsp/servlet or applet.
16 years ago
Is there any way we could call Javascript function in a .js file from Java?
16 years ago

Can some one please let me know how maven could be integrated with Intellij Idea?
[ October 21, 2008: Message edited by: Shailendra Suryawanshi ]
16 years ago

Can some one please let me know how maven could be integrated with Intellij Idea?
16 years ago
That's great...
16 years ago