Pinki Roy

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since May 16, 2008
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Recent posts by Pinki Roy

I do not understand why this is giving the output of False. Please explain.
I have to get started with WebCenter and Oracle ADF, please advice how I can make myself ready for it.
Please advise about any good link for beginners for both Oracle ADF and WebCenter.

Also please let me know if I should study Oracle ADF first or Webcenter first.
11 years ago
Its Apache Web Server.
11 years ago
How does Apache recognize whether the request is coming from Java or php application?
11 years ago
Actually the client does not want the user to know what action classes are being hit so for the whole application he wants that the user should only see and not a url with the changing action classes eg that are being hit as he moves around the application.

I hope I have made my requirement clear now.

12 years ago
Its just the client requirement, that we need to implement.
12 years ago
I have to change the URL from full URL to one without the action name.

For Example


Could someone guide me how this could be achieved please?
12 years ago
Hi All,

I want to know why any class is made Immutable?
What are the points considered before making a class Immutable?

Also why is the String class made Immutble?



I don't understand why Mammal eats food is being displayed.
Hi All,

In the above code I fail to understand why is displaying false.

I don't understand why
is throwing a unhandled Exception: java.lang.Exception

It is legal to have an overridden method with no exception, so why is it throwing this exception.
In this case the subclass version of feedMilk s being called.

Swastik , thanks a lot for the clarification .

Why does line 4 give me compile time error where as line 3 does not give me any error.

Hi All,

The following program produces 0.0 and 9.0 as output.

I don't understand why 0.0 is displayed.