prabup padmanathans

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since May 27, 2008
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Recent posts by prabup padmanathans

Hi everbody

can any one help me out how to inser a file(.txt,.xml..)into a CLOB field in oracle , and how to manipulate tat (reading from Database)

This is a business process , first try to migrate the projects deployed in 8.2 to 9.2 , it doesnt have so much complexity because server JDK5.0 have can accepts 1.4 too,but 1.5 in weblogic 8.1 is may not be possible
16 years ago
Please move this issue in weblogic forum and give me the link too..
thanks in advance

16 years ago
Am using usebeans <jsp:getProperty> in my jsp, if my property is null in page the corresponding textbox showing "" (empty) in weblogic 8.2 now am trying to migrate weblogic 9.2, in this server the same textbox contains "null" instead ""(empty) , can any one please say the soln for this problem
16 years ago