Vydha Sridevi

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since Jun 01, 2008
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Recent posts by Vydha Sridevi

Warm Welcome Peter!
12 years ago
Hi everybody,
I earlier worked with Eclipse IDE, tomcat (of various versions) for very small sample web applications. Now i am working with IntelliJ IDE and tomcat.

When i tried to run tomcat say some existing version, i get this error message : "Address localhost:8080 is already in use".
So i decided to delete all the existing tomcat dumps from my hard drive and go with only one version say 7.0.27. But i get one error message which can be seen in the attached document when i try to run the server.

Please suggest me how should i delete all the information related to ealier versions of tomcat from my hard drive so that i can freshly start my tomcat server.

Thanks in advance.

12 years ago
Hi Peter,
The points explained in your reply post are the ones for what i was exactly looking for to speed up the knowledge in understanding the already existing source code.
Thank You so much.
Hi Jay,

First of all let me make my point clear, i have no intension to make anyone work for me. Sorry for the misconception. I already started going through few video tutorials regarding the ways to understand the source code but out of curiosity wanted to check with all the technically talented members registered in this website the best tutorials regarding this task if available.
Sorry if my message has hurted anyone.
I have a source code and i was told to understand the code of that web applicaiton (contains all kinds of files likes servlets, jsps, xml etc) using IntelliJ IDEA. Somebody please provide me any video tutorials links to understand the source code from the scratch or else guide me through the step by step procedure to be followed.
Please consider this request as very urgent requirement. Thanks in advance.
Congrats for u'r great score. I want to clear my SCWCD1.5 exam. Please share your experience regarding SCWCD1.5 exam. Thanks in advance.

[Remove illegal stuff - Christophe]
[ June 14, 2008: Message edited by: Christophe Verre ]
Congrats for u'r great score. I want to clear my SCWCD1.5 exam. Please share u'r experience regarding SCWCD1.5 exam and send me the required material (dumps, sample questions, any links to go for mock tests..... etc ). Thanks in advance.
[ June 10, 2008: Message edited by: Vydha Sridevi ]
16 years ago
Congrats for u'r great score. I want to clear my SCWCD1.5 exam. Please share u'r experience regarding SCWCD1.5 exam. Please mention what all I need to download (dumps, any websites to go for mock tests..... etc ). Thanks in advance.
16 years ago